Automations in the 2021.12.4 Release

I"m not able to start an automation from the GUI in 2021.12.4 using Firefox. I click on the tab to start an automation from scratch, I get a brief flash of the basic automation screen but then it disappears.

Has anyone else had this issue? I do not get this issue in Chrome, only in Firefox 95.0.2.

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Yeah, same here

Same as:Automaions.. Clicking add new blank fails - #2 by ondras12345

Workaround: edit URL in firefox to /config/automation/edit/new

That is a good workaround to have, but why is it suddenly necessary?

I was able to fix this by clearing the cache in Firefox (just the cache, not cookies/data).

I cleared the cache and it did not fix my issue. Then i cleared everything in FF for all time and still did not fix the issue…

same problem here since a few days. Chromium works, though.

+1 on Firefox 95 in Linux.

Edge and Chrome work OK.

Just updated to 2021.12.6 and still have the same issue with Firefox…