Automations Link in Sidebar

I’m new to HA but I’ve thought since day 1 that there should be a link to automations on the sidebar (or at least make it optional). While I agree, once a user is settled this probably isn’t as important but to a new user tweaking automations over a period of weeks/months, a link on the sidebar makes sense.

I found an ugly workaround solution but it’s just that:

I thought maybe my expectations were unreasonable with this ask, but I can tell you I’ve thought about this request at least 30 times a week for the last 3 months, every time I have to touch an automation. I tried to adjust my behavior and expectations but with groups being added to helpers inside automations, I’m again having the same thoughts about this enhancement several times a day and it feels like I’m fighting a natural urge to go to the sidebar.

I would like the icon to be the robot face :slight_smile:
Making the automations link in the sidebar optional is perfectly acceptable :slight_smile:

This is a better workaround as it does not include the double sidebar:

I got a little lost on the way but I eventually meandered my way to the finish line. Thank you, this is a huge improvement and really helps.

For anyone else looking to do this and having trouble like myself and others before me, this post has the final answer:

How to add a custom link to the sidebar found here:

I added Automations and Server Control to my sidebar

  - name: server_control
    sidebar_title: Server Control
    sidebar_icon: mdi:cog-transfer
    js_url: /api/hassio/app/entrypoint.js
    url_path: config/server_control
    embed_iframe: true
    require_admin: true
      ingress: core_configurator
  - name: Automations
    sidebar_title: Automations
    sidebar_icon: mdi:cog-transfer
    js_url: /api/hassio/app/entrypoint.js
    url_path: config/automation/dashboard
    embed_iframe: true
    require_admin: true
      ingress: core_configurator
