Automations not saving

I’m attempting to create automatons, but they’re not saving. I’m using a Raspberry Pi 4, 64-bit.

Steps: Settings gear -> automations -> + -> fill in the data -> save at the bottom-right.

Googling this issue shows results of people losing automations after an upgrade in 2017, and users not finding the Plus. (Which I agree isn’t a great UI choice). Any ideas? I don’t have much to troubleshoot with. Ie, am not sure how to view or edit automation.yaml.

There’s a console error: TypeError: this.cloudStatus is undefined, but I assume this is unrelated.

Do you have this in your configuration.yaml?

automation: !include automations.yaml




Thank you - you’ve identified the problem; I’d inserted an extra quote somewhere in automations.yaml, invalidating the file. It’s now solved.

So you are saying that you created an automation in the automation editor and when you tried to save the automation the editor acted as if the automation saved correctly even tho it actually had not saved because you had an extra quote mark in the file somewhere? So it failed silently with no indication that it had failed?

If that’s true it sounds like a big and should be reported.

Did you try to do a config check after the automation failed to save?

That’s correct. I don’t know how to do a config check, but Burningstone’s reply prompted me to go over my configuration.yaml in detail - which is when I noticed the extra quote.

After this was fixed, the automatons I saved appeared. So, the automation system saved correctly, but the retrieval system silently failed.

go to “configuration” in the sidebar. then go to “server control”. at the top should be a button that says “check config”.

But as far the other I think I would submit a bug report.

I think I encouter to similar problem. If I will create automation in GUI, its not saved.
Or better is to say, that I can find it in automation.yaml, and automation.yaml is included in configuration.yaml, config check is ok, but that automation is not visible in GUI and automation not worked.

I have another one automation in configuration.yaml and only this automation is visible.

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Sorry, I don’t use the GUI editor so I can’t really help much with that.

But are you saying the automation is in the automations.yaml file but it doesn’t show up in the GUI editor as an editable automation? Or it doesn’t show up in the GUI editor list at all?

You can have only one automation: section in your configuration.yaml.

Currently you have probably two, one for the single automation and one for the include of automation.yaml.

Yes, when I started using only automation.yaml it works.

@Burningstone is correct. If your !include CONFIG_DIRECTORY is not the root directory of Home Assistant then the wizard automations will never show up. The wizard only writes to ./automations.yaml (notice the “.” at the begining). The routine ignores the !include directive. Your automations are saved but never referenced. I had to move my automations.yaml file to the root directory for the wizard automations to be seen by HA along with any custom automations I’ve created.
This feature seems to be a bug.


That’s make the trick : ./automations.yaml give me the possibility to see the automation in the GUI and solve the issue related to service automation.reload not found.

Thank you so much @hal9000

Glad that tip worked out for you.

I recently had the issue in Chrome where clicking Save for a new automation was not working. However, I was able to click Save and name the new automation using Edge. There was a pending Chrome update or pop-up blocker feature enabled.

Why does this have to be manually added to the config?

My configuration.yaml looked like this:

# Configure a default setup of Home Assistant (frontend, api, etc)
# Text to speech
  - platform: google_translate

I added automation: !include automations.yaml at the bottom and that fixed automations not saving. Do I have to do this now for scenes and scripts too? What other things do I need to know to use Home Assistant?

Yes I would add those if they are not in your config file. They should have been added on the initial install.

automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
scene: !include scenes.yaml
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I loaded this from a partial backup that was created from my TrueNAS Docker container.

Even then, my configuration.yaml didn’t have that stuff. Very strange.


  themes: !include_dir_merge_named themes

if it is also missing.

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It was also missing! I also needed to create that scripts.yaml file, or it would error.

Thanks for the default config values!

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