Automations not showing up in UI

Just upgraded my R.Pi Hassio from 105 to 109 and yes I also no longer find an automatons tab in the configuration page!
Shame, that was pretty useful

what is the path to your automations.yaml file, is it in the root of config folder

And the “re-load Automations” has vanished in the Server controls page…Oh no!

Thanks, but no. Im in Advanced mode… no luck

I had a similar issue . That turned out too be an inactive entity. think i had changed a sensor and messed around with the tasmota settings i think i was seeing a duplicate . I restarted ha the automation showed for a few seconds so i was able to see the automations and delete them. After deleting the device from ha i was able to rediscover the device and redo the automations and they showed up properly.

Hi Yes, the Automation integration not loading on start up due to a rogue entity ID in my automations.yaml

So it looks as thought the no error of syntax, indentation, entity ID etc is tolerated.
I tidied up my automations.yaml and all is well again.

Hi all

Fortunately, I somehow got the automation back in the UI.
Unfortunately, I don’t know what caused the issue for me. I know that I did not change anything with the automations themselves. But I did (for other reasons) a lot of updates and changes to my configs and as I looked into the settings today the automations reappear somehow. So probably there was an issue hidden somewhere else in the configs for me, too.

I am experiencing this very bug as well. RPi 3B+ configuration.

I suspect, based on what was stated earlier, that is an entity is not active/found by HA, the automation is not displayed. ie: A bulb behind a smart switch. If you use the switch to turn off the bulb, then the smart bulb becomes a bad entity and HA freaks out.

If that’s the intended design, and what is actually happening, it’s probably not the best thing to do.

I find when creating scenes and automations to turn on every freaking smart device you have until your done making scenes and automations. It saves a lot of headaches and wondering where devices disappeared to.

I’ve just hit this exact same issue. Reading the issues with the configuration files, I ran the Check Home Assistant Configuration and found I’d (stupidly!) put a secret into the scenes.yaml by mistake!
The configuration checker highlighted it, and I fixed it … and my Automations appeared (and started working) again!
So it appears a yaml configuration issue has some strange effects!
I’d highly recommend the Check Home Assistant Configuration add-in. I run Hass IO, so if I mess up the configurations it usually just doesn’t start!

Whole day wasted only to find that this 1 line was missing from the configuration.yaml file. Thank-you, thank-you SeanM, I was about to give up all hope!

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Thanks @SeanM.

Messing around a lot today and figured it may have to do with this.

I finally figured it out. GUI automations are put under /automations.yaml, however in my configuration.yaml there is a line with include:

automation: !include_dir_merge_list includes/automation

The solution is to create a file in includes/automation with content (mind 2 leading spaces in my case):

  !include ../../automations.yaml

now GUI-made automations are shown in a list.


I encountered the same issue today during the testing of my own blueprint, when there should be some structure issue within it.

Setup a new automation with the malfunctioning blueprint and click save,
New automation did not show up and all existing automations changed to grey and could be altered or see trigger history.

  1. delete the newly added automation (the one with malfunctioning blueprint) directly in automations.yaml
  2. move the blueprint out of HA (you could save it to your own PC if you are developing it).
  3. restart Supervisor.
    Then it will be just fine.

I was not able to find out what specific structure issue will cause the fail of automation, but after comparing to the functioning blueprints and updated for multiple times, the automation was successfully added to the automation list, even the automation did not work due to incorrect settings/variable expressed in blueprint. I believe this is the best I could do. :joy:

Hi there. I have the same issue. My Test automation is not appearing on the UI.

My configuration.yaml looks as follows:

And the automations.yaml as follows:

What do I have to change to get the automations appeared in the UI? Best, Robi

Even if I assign automations to room or do restarts…not showing up in the respective Room / UI at all. Check Home Assistant Configuration Add-in reported no errors. Nobody with an idea?

Where do you want the automations to appear ? You don’t see them under configuration → automations ?

In the standard HA Dashboard/Overview. I call that UI :slight_smile: Scripts and Scenes appear on the standard HA Dashboard/Overview - the automations unfortunately not. I thought that the “include” command for automations in the configuration.yaml will trigger them to show up in the Dashboard/Overview. Or am I mistaken?

In the autogenerated lovelace ? They don’t show up there. You have to take control of lovelace and add them yourself.

Thank you for this quick answer! Yes, in the autogenerated Lovelace - I thought when the scripts and scenes appear the same applies to the automations…I could have tried for a long time :slight_smile: So far I’ve been satisfied with the autogenerated Lovelace (I use HA only for the control/automation of my Somfy/Shelly covers so far), however, I will now begin to deal with the topic of creating my own Lovelaces :slight_smile: Many thanks again!