AWTRIX 3 - Blueprint for creating simple apps for dummies


first thanks for the amazing Component and blueprint.
is it possible to point to the user options in the additional conditions?
based on a result of a variable calculated inside of the automation i want to be able to publish the app or not.
e.g. if icon_template = “not found” i don’t want to publish the app

thanks in advance

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show or remove app automatically only via Additional conditions

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One question,
does anyone know if it is possible to stop an application (for example, which lasts 10 seconds) and start a new application immediately, when something happens. something like (“force”: true). I’m talking about home assistant and MQTT. I tried random things but it didn’t work.

use case please. Describe what you want to achieve.

btw, use switch for switch to another app.

action: awtrix.awtrix_bedroom_switch_app
   name: "Time"