AWTRIX 3 - Blueprint for creating simple apps for dummies

First off, amazing work with your integration and blueprint! Got a block yesterday for christmas and i’m loving using it!

Has anyone used an entity’s attribute for a message? I had a quick look at the base yaml template and it’s directly pulling the state for an entity.

I want to pull the message attribute from my calendar entity to tell me if it’s Bin or Recycling day

Thanks for the prompt reply Oleg! What I’m after is to have the attribute displayed on the clock itself.

calendar.calendar has the attribute message which is currently “bin day”. I want to display “bin day” on the awtrix to remind myself.

got it. but i can’t help you right now. after massive russian attack on x-mas my family right now far from a rent house and smart home.
see you after jan 7

can you test this

  alias: AWTRIX Calendar DEL ME
  description: ''
    path: 10der/awtrix-simple.yaml
      app_name: awtrix_app_cal_del_me
      entity: calendar.funs
        value_template: '{{state_attr(''calendar.funs'', ''message'')}}'

I will try this and get back to you, please make sure you and your family are safe first!

1st great job Oleg!!

I’m testing the new-awtrix3-hass-integration.
How I can set the indicator blink interval? Maybe you can add this to the seetings of the device.

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Thank you for feedback!
About blinking - no native functionality. But let me check.

according to manual
we can add
flash yes Tell light to flash, can be either value short or long.

works a charm!

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1st Happy New Year!

I’m looking for a way to send this to awtrix 3:

section colored indicator:

i know, but with no luck. No attributes to fill this value.

now you can pass color, and flash - long or short

Maybe it can be implemented there, like in other implementations :

yes. right

blink underscore milliseconds


Hi Oleg,

can I suggest to create some sort of repository for all the templates (outdoor temperature, custom text ecc) that you poste in this thread? I think this will help everyone to start.

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good idea. yep. will do

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here is examples

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Hi, I am sure it is very simple and I am missing something:

‘make sure you install the custom component first’.
Which custom component? Where? How exactly?

‘You can also install it using HACS’
No, in HACS I search for AWTRIX - nothing, 10dev - nothing, custom component - nothing.
So how do I install it via hacs?

first of thank you what you here
second one - it’s question to HACS not for me
and last
how to add the Custom Repositories - HACS
link to repo here

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