AWTRIX 3 - Blueprint for creating simple apps for dummies

сuz author decide to stop using (ugly as his said) implementation MQTT + HASS

I’ve accidentally created a few apps and deleted the automation but the app still exists on the ulanzi AWTRIX clock. How can I delete them :)?

  1. open http://homeassistant.local:8123/config/integrations/integration/mqtt
  2. press config
  3. topic: ulanzi-hall/custom/awtrix_app_night
    ulanzi-hall the name of awtrix
    awtrix_app_night wrong app
  4. Payload: {}

press publish button

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Thank you so much :slight_smile: and is there a way to change the name. Or delete and recreate :)?

By the way this is an awesome blueprint!!

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MQTT can’t re-name. You right. delete and recreate

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How do you make the icon move off the screen :)? Is it the pushIcon?

pushIcon integer
0 = Icon doesn’t move.
1 = Icon moves with text and will not appear again.
2 = Icon moves with text but appears again when the text starts to scroll again.