AWTRIX 3 - Blueprint for creating simple apps for dummies

Hmm… strange.

read this

подивись у лог файл. там мають бути помилки - покажи мені їх.

wow that’s so cool i thanks my awtrix goes great !

a question if i wana scrool in a same app all my rooms temperatures was it possible ?

Create 2, 3 … N apps with different sensors in rooms.
AWTRIX firmware do not support “pages”.

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I’m stuck here:
Fehler: UndefinedError: ‘float object’ has no attribute ‘text’

Thanks for your good work your posts helped me a lot to automate text messages. Now i want to go the last step and master entitys :smiley:

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Hi, if you are trying to use the templates above, you have to adapt it to the new version. Paste your template here, to get some help.

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Hi, with latest HA update I get a warning that payload template will not be supported anymore. Could you update the custom component pls?

Thx in advance

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Oops. Strange. What HASS version?

I see


Good morning,

yes warning came in with version 2024.8.0

hotfix pushed

“version”: "0.3.15


You are awesome, fixed! love your component & blueprint. So easy for dummies. Question: is it possible to install the icon automatically when defined? I mean no problem to do it manually, but automatically would be better :slight_smile:

Btw I think I get the wrong icon for the moon phase at default setting for the weather service. (Also not quite sure if it’s working for the forecast?) Do I have to override them actually?

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Sorry for the silly question. But how did you fix it? You only copied the new blueprint on the previous one with the link of the first post? Thank you.

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No, you have to update the custom component shown in HACS. Very easy, one click, restart, ready.


Ah so easy!! Thanks!!

tbh, i do not use weather in component
tbh, right now the blueprint cover all weather functionality without component
tbh, now you can use a new component without MQTT at all - with auto -discovery and more features

where i should get an icon? lametric?
when i should install an icon? on each time when template is running?

do you know what you can put here full url path instead on icon no?
just try

service: awtrix.awtrix_bedroom_push_app_data
  name: Test
    text: Hello, AWTRIX Light!
    rainbow: true
    icon: ""
    duration: 5
    pushIcon: 2
    lifetime: 60
    repeat: 1

awtrix (20)

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Good questions, lametric and when executing the blueprint? I have no clue, just asking if possible. But maybe that would be better automated in AWTRIX? May I ask why you built a release without mqtt? Do you see advantages not using it?

No I didn’t know this, cool function. I thought I have to download the icons always. Great :smiley: