⛈️ AWTRIX 3 - Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) Weather Warnings

Import blueprint to your Home Assistant instance

Let your AWTRIX device notify you when weather warnings have been issued by Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) for your region.


It comes with:

  • Support for multiple warnings
  • Different text colors according to severity level
  • Customizable icons


You need to have Home Assistant Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) Weather Warnings integration configured to get regional warnings. In addition please read the blueprint instructions to make sure you have downloaded all icons to your AWTRIX device.


Blueprint is based on AWTRIX Light - Mega Weather + Sunrise + Moonrise by @jeeftor



ich verstehe die Uhr noch nicht. Ich habe den DWD Dienst installiert und alles eingerichtet, aber wie schicke ich die Daten an die Uhr? Wenn ich eine Testnachricht an die Uhr schicke klappt alles. Wenn ich die Automation ausführe passiert leider nichts…

ich glaube ich bin zu doof…


I still don’t understand the clock. I have installed the DWD service and set everything up, but how do I send the data to the clock? When I send a test message to the clock, everything works. Unfortunately, nothing happens when I run the automation…

I think I’m too stupid…

Hey jc-23,

thanks for the Blueprint. I noticed that the Warning Level Setting seems to be ignored so I had a Look at the yaml Code, found the warning_level Variable defined, but not used somewhere in the Action. Sadly my Knowledge about Homeassistant specific yaml Code Syntax is not enough to fix it by myself. Maybe you could have a look.
