AWTRIX Light - Mega Weather + Sunrise + Moonrise

Same Here, Setup on friday and everyday 1000 requests. Also with scan_interval 1200 i think the Problem is on ipgeolocations Side.
Anybody Here With No Problems?

Hello, is there a way to reduce updating rate of the weather?
I see mine is updating every 5 sec which can make the device hot. I think It will be great if we can change the refresh rate to 2 / 5 min for exemple?

Thanks a lot

All doable. I just don’t seem to ever have time :slight_smile:


I’m tired of fighting the moon. Maybe there is an option without moon settings? Without REST

Dear friend, do you have an option without a moon sensor?

What’s the moon issue? Do I just need to change like a number to make it for the moon weigh less often?

I thought there was an option to turn off the moon anyways and the options. There’s a lot of options.

How to turn off the moon? Do you have a blueprint without the moon?

Ive spent 6+ hours trying to get ti work but its beyond me haha

I signed up to OpenWeather & IPGeo.

Doesnt seem to want to publish anything to the clock.