AWTRIX Light - Mega Weather + Sunrise + Moonrise

I found it too annoying to update the flows one so I just keep a MUCH more feature-full one on github

Hello, first of all BIG thank you for this awesome AWTRIX firmware and BIG thank you for your blueprints @jeeftor ! Love it!

I am a noob and would like to kindly ask for some basic assistance. I am trying to publish my energy meters data to Ulanzi clock but i am not a coder and not very technical so struggling to find the right format. I checked the forums and tried many things. This is the automation i’m trying to create:

alias: awtrix_notify_power_consumption
description: “”

  • platform: state
    entity_id: sensor.power_usage
  • service: mqtt.publish
    metadata: {}
    qos: “0”
    retain: true
    topic: awtrix_06cab4/custom/power
    payload: states.sensor.power_usage.state

The trigger works but the action doesnt. I dont see mqtt publishing the energy meter data on the Ulanzi clock. What am i doing wrong?

when i test a push notification to my phone from this power sensor, that works well:

service: notify.mobile_app_sm_s926b_ee
message: ‘Energy is: {{ states(“sensor.power_usage”) }}’

But i just cant figure out how to send the same data to the Ulanzi clock…

Thanks so much! :slight_smile:

i have same issue
did you solved it?

Payload has to be in JSON and you have to tell AWTRIX that it should display a text containing your sensor data. Try the following as payload:

payload: "{ text: \"{{ states.sensor.power_usage.state }}\" }"

Example payloads and options are available in the AWTRIX API manual.

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Thank you so much JC-23! It works! :slight_smile:

For days I have been struggling with setting up the blueprint. The problem seems to be the correct configuration in the config.yaml. The entry is:

  - platform: rest
    name: ip_geo_location
    scan_interval: 300
    value_template: OK
    json_attributes: null
  - moonrise
  - moonset
  - moon_altitude

I geht the Error:

Message malformed: Missing input moon_rise_set

And I can’t select the setting for the moon rise/set sensor in the blueprint configuration: "No matching entities found".

I have already asked in the support channel on Discord, but unfortunately I have not received a reply. What can I do, what is my mistake?

Thank you in advance,

Maybe a dumb question, but I’m just playing around with some of your blueprints @jeeftor but how do I have to set up them to change on the awtrix automatically? I have the calender, mega weather and HAVC running but only the mega one is shown on the display…

nop… i am biggner and i think i cant do this for now as i even dont know where to paste this command :open_mouth:


Do you know how to use MQTT explorer?

Best way is to pull up AWTRIX/custom/xxxx and see if it has an entry


So this means I only have jeef_weather running right now since the other two items are “empty”

are you able to share whole code for this sensor? cause i can handle it.

This is what I have in my configuration.yaml file:

I am no expert, and I have been struggling to get the Icons to show.  But I believe the issue you are having is a formatting issue.

You have:
  - platform: rest
    name: ip_geo_location
    scan_interval: 300
    value_template: OK
    json_attributes: null
  - moonrise
  - moonset
  - moon_altitude

Should be:

- platform: rest
  name: ip_geo_location
  scan_interval: 300
  value_template: "OK"
    - moonrise
    - moonset
    - moon_altitude

The indent after the json attributes.

Hello friends, how do I get this blueprint running? I provided all the imput… but when trying to add the “OpenWeatherMap” integration from the addon store it keeps telling me “already_in_progress”. Any ideas? I am not able to see any forecasts on my clock, but I dont know how to debug…

Solved: I needed to activate a paid OpenWeather plan to make it work in combination with the 3.0 API calls.

Really? Should work with any weather provider that has a forecast object

Has anyone used any provider other than OpenWeather for this? I am not keen on giving them my credit card details for security reasons.

Exactly same question on my side :slight_smile:

If you pull it down from my Github a it should just read a forecast object and so it should probably work with anything that has forecast with the right fields

Since they standardized the weather entity: Weather entity | Home Assistant Developer Docs

I’m just parsing: Weather entity | Home Assistant Developer Docs

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Perfect, thanks it’s working fine with another weather provider :slight_smile:

Its probably long overdue a “rewrite” of the description :slight_smile:

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