🚿 Bathroom Humidity Exhaust Fan

Thanks I just PM you for your trace line :wink:

Edit: I think I found it but will wait for your trace.

Hello. Please tell me what the reason may be. Xiaomi ordinary zigbee sensor, ordinary xiaomi zigbee socket. Automation is set up and running, while the time limit is 15 minutes. when 15 minutes have passed, the ventilation is turned off. The problem is that if the humidity is still high, the automation does not work the second time.
Thanks a lot for the answer.


When we are having back to back showers the humidity doesn’t drop enough to trigger the automation again. For this it is best to also use the “Maximum Humidity Option”. In order for this to trigger the humidity must be below your setting and rise above it.

To use this feature you must enter in the humidity sensor you are using for the “Humidity Derivative Sensor”. Then for summer and winter settings you have the option to enable the maximum humidity option as shown below and enter in a humidity % that suits you. If the slider doesn’t allow you to enter in the setting you require then just simply type the value in.

Hope this helps

Blacky :smiley:

thank you. I’ll try to do it

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FAQ - Only Selecting Scripts

If only selecting a script in “Fan Switch” and “Fan Speed - Low Speed Switch”, it is recommended to enter in a dummy toggle helper to help the automation function correctly. It allows the by-pass and the built in Home Assistant restart safe guard option to function correctly.

If you have entered in a entity, example “Fan or Switch” then you don’t need to enter in a toggle helper as the fan or switch will be sufficient. It only applies if you are just using scripts only.

Below show an example of just scripts entered and then scripts with toggle helpers.

Just Scripts :x:

Scripts with Toggle Helpers :white_check_mark: :+1:

How to create a Toggle Helper

  1. Go to Settings / Devices & Services / click on the “Helpers” tab / click “+ CREATE HELPER” and select “Toggle”.

  2. In the name area, enter a name that best suits you. For this example we will put “Bathroom Fan High Speed Toggle Helper” and “Bathroom Fan Low Speed Toggle Helper”. Then click create for each toggle helper.



  3. Now just enter in your toggle helpers into the automation as shown above.


Blacky :smiley:

Back to FAQ: Click Here

FAQ - How Do I Use The Automation Link

This allows you to link your other automations so they will be automatically disabled. This is useful if you are using one of my other blueprints to control the lights, switches and or scenes in your bathroom and you would like to disable it when this automation is ON. It allows you to keep the bathroom lights ON when you are in the shower and your motion sensor is unable to detect motion.

If you are using my :bulb: Sensor Light blueprint to control your lights in the bathroom sometimes when you are in the shower the motion sensor can’t detect your movement (behind a shower screen or even glass) and your lights turn OFF when showering :pensive:. Using this option allows you to disable the sensor light blueprint while you are in the shower so the lights will stay ON :partying_face:. When you have finished and the falling humidity % has been achieved or the safe guards set time has passed you can set a separate time delay that allows you time to dry yourself before stepping out where the motion sensor can detect you again. It will then turn the “Automation Link - By-pass Control” OFF enabling your Sensor Light automation to function as per normal and your light will then turn OFF controlled by the sensor light automation :+1:

How to create a Automation Link - By-pass Control Toggle Helper and set it up

Below is an example on how to create the toggle helper and set it up between both automations.

  1. Go to Settings / Devices & Services / click on the “Helpers” tab / click “+ CREATE HELPER” and select “Toggle”.

  2. In the name area, enter a name that best suits you. For this example we will put "Bed 2 Ensuite - Bathroom Fan Automation Link - Bypass”. I also selected and icon that suits me. Then click create.


  3. Enter in the "Bed 2 Ensuite - Bathroom Fan Automation Link - Bypass” toggle helper into the :bulb: Sensor Light blueprint automation that controls your bathroom lights as shown below into option 1, 2 or 3. I have chosen to enable option “1 - Enable the By-pass - Turn lights ON”.

  4. Then in this blueprint “Bathroom Humidity Exhaust Fan”, enable the automation link option, enter in the "Bed 2 Ensuite - Bathroom Fan Automation Link - Bypass” toggle helper into the “Automation Link - By-pass Control” and set your time delay to your liking.

  5. That is it, your done. Your sensor light automation will now be disabled when you are in the shower keeping your light ON :partying_face:


Blacky :smiley:

Back to FAQ: Click Here

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New update 2.0

New Features :new:

  • Automation Link Option - This allows you to link your other automations so they will be automatically disabled. This is useful if you are using one of my other blueprints to control the lights, switches and or scenes in your bathroom and you would like to disable it when this automation is ON. It allows you to keep the bathroom lights ON when you are in the shower and your motion sensor is unable to detect motion.

    For more information on the Automation Link Option Click Here

Bugs Fixes :bug:

  • Major upgrade to HA restart safe guard. This fixed a lot of bugs including when using scripts to control your fan.
  • Trigger Sensor By-pass. A lot of bugs fixed here.

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Blacky :grinning:


Hello. Tell me please. Is it possible to set the threshold for turning on the fan to 70%?

if you mean, you want the fan to come on when it reaches 70% humidity regardless of derivative, then yes set as below

set your humidity sensor

set Use The Maximum Humidity Option (Optional) to Enable and then set the Maximum Humidity to 70%

the slider will not go below 95%, so just click in the text field and enter 70

then save.


Thank you very much. I thought that the red stripe indicates an error.)))))

New update 2.1

New Features :new:

  • Manual Fan Switch Option - This allows you to add a switch to turn the fan ON and OFF manually and still allows the automation to be triggered, taking control of your fan :partying_face:. This is useful in removing any unwanted fumes from deodorant, hairspray, toilet etc. The auto off time delay in option 2 makes sure you never forget to turn the fan OFF.

    The switch can be:

    • Switch
    • Binary sensor
    • Input boolean

:warning: Please Note: The switch can not be the actual fan switch and must be independent. If you use the actual fan switch then the automation will not work.

What can this now do?

  1. If you have a toilet in the bathroom you can now have a physical manual switch on the wall, or a sensor that can turn the fan on for a set time period. If you then have a shower the automation will take control of your fan.
  2. Getting ready for the day and you spray deodorant or hairspray and would like to remove the fumes?.. you can now turn the fan ON and OFF or use the auto OFF option and it will run for X amount of time.
  3. Getting in the shower and you would just like to start the fan manually from the start and not wait for the trigger to then have the automation take control, this is now possible.
  4. Turn the fan ON and OFF in HA or with a local switch + opt to use a time delay option, this is now possible.
  5. Cancel the automation with a local fan switch or in HA dashboard, turn the switch ON and OFF. It may restart depending on site conditions.

It can do more but I think you get the idea.

If you like this blueprint? Consider hitting the :heart: button in the top post :+1:

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Blacky :grinning:

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Hi Blacky,
I have a % controlled fan. I would like to go to 100% when showering and then go to 20% when finished.

I have set up two helpers

afzuig100: fan goes to 100%
afzuig20: fan goes to 20%

when I switch afzuig100 on afzuig20 goes to off en vice versa.
how can ik make my setup work with your wonderful blueprint?

what should i put as entities below?

Fan Switch: afzuig100%
input - Fan Speed - Low Speed Switch (Optional):
Input - Fan Speed - Switch Off (Optional):
Use The Fan Speed Options (Optional):

@fransiefrans I have something similar. Created scripts for High, Medium and Low, like this:

alias: Ventilatie High
  - service: fan.turn_on
      percentage: 100
      entity_id: fan.mechanical_ventilation
mode: single
icon: mdi:fan-speed-3

The Blacky script is calling this:

        - script.ventilatie_high
        - input_boolean.bathroom_fan_high_speed_toggle_helper
      - script.ventilatie_medium
      - input_boolean.bathroom_fan_low_speed_toggle_helper
      - script.ventilatie_low

New update 2.2

New Features :new:

  • Input - Fan Speed - Switch Off (Optional) - This now allows you to add a input boolean.

If you like this blueprint? Consider hitting the :heart: button in the top post :+1:

If you like my blueprints, and would like to show your support or just say thank you? Click Here :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Blacky :grinning:

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First please update to version 2.2. I have now added the ability to add your helper into “Input - Fan Speed - Switch Off (Optional)”.

Q: How do you update the blueprint and not delete / recreate existing automations?

A Please follow these steps Click Here

Once updated then you would do this.

Then for normal (summer) this.

If using winter mode, then this.


If this doesn’t work for you, you can create scripts for 100% and 20% like @balk77 suggested above and enter them into the same areas. If you do use scripts then you will need to enter in a toggle helper (that controls nothing, just a dummy toggle) into “Fan Switch” only. You do not need to add a toggle helper into “Input - Fan Speed - Switch Off (Optional)”

Hope this helps, and let us know how you go.

Blacky :smiley:

PS: If you would like to share how you created helpers to control your fan % then I am sure it would help the community.

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I have scripts running to control fan speed and valves all together.
For the fan speed on, the automation triggers a script which essentially does 3 things:

  • Opens the valve for the appropriate room (set valve percentage to 100%)
  • Increases the speed of the central motor to 80%

The third one was a bit more complex where I had to think a bit more :rofl: I have 3 valves for 3 rooms which are permantly open for 20% (functioning as air circulation).

When the automation is triggered I want to close the valves in the other 2 rooms, as I don’t want all heat to be sucked out of that room (because there is only 1 central motor which ups to 80% capacity).

Therefore the 3rd thing the script does is check if there are any other automations currently running in the other 2 rooms, then it shouldn’t close their valves. If not, it can safely close them.

The fan script off is doing the same:

  • It sets the valve of the relevant room back to 20% open
  • If no other automation is running for the other 2 rooms it sets the motor back to 20% capacity and sets the valves of the other 2 rooms back from 0% to 20%

It stil has a few improvements I could make such as: if the script off runs in the above described way and there is an automation running in another room, it should not put the valve to 20%, but rather fully close it.
But that’s probably something for later :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Nice work!! Glad it is all working for you… thanks for sharing your set up :+1: :wink:

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Just posting my set up now as promised. I will update this in the next few weeks as I am waiting for some items so I only need to use one ESP32.

thank you for the script. I’m trying the 2.2 version. if this does not work, I’ll try the script.

thanks, I’ll let you know