Hi Kurt
It can be confusing but I will try and explain.
Steps 1, 2, 3 & 4 you all good
First you cant enable them all with the same entity. I will try and explain.
We have 3 by-pass options. Each option will preform a function (action).
Option â1 - Enable the By-pass - Turn lights ONâ = when you turn the by-pass on it will turn the lights ON if lights are OFF.
Option â2 - Enable the By-pass - Turn lights OFFâ when you turn the by-pass ON it will turn the lights OFF if lights are ON.
Option â3 - Enable the By-pass - Keep the lights current stateâ when you turn the by-pass ON whatever state the lights are in being ON or OFF it will keep this state, like a pause button.
When any by-pass is turned ON the automation is disabled and you have full control to turn your light ON and OFF as you see fit.
When you turn the by-pass OFF it will evaluate the site conditions and try and preform the correct action. Example if you turn the by-pass OFF and your lights are OFF but your motion sensor is ON it will turn the lights ON and run the automation.
So you can see if you use the same entity when your turn it ON what is it going to do option 1, 2 or 3. Cant work that way.
Then you have a by-pass time delay that works when you turn a by-pass OFF. It helps when evaluating the site conditions before turning your lights OFF if they are ON then leaving you in the dark.
Then you have the auto OFF. Each one related to and option you use, option 1, 2 or 3. If you are using option 1 and you would like the by-pass to turn OFF after X amount of time then enabling âEnable the auto OFF for the by-pass switch - Turn lights ONâ will turn the by-pass OFF automaticity. It can serve as a timer or you can force your lights ON for X amount of time and when it turns OFF it will evaluate the site conditions. The other auto off selections are for option 2 & 3.
This could be because you have more than one trigger and you will need to group them or because you have all the by-pass set up incorrectly could be the problem.
Hope this helps and I havenât confused you even more.