It can still collect events from the sensors, I see them changing states if I open a window for example, but the alarm arming/disarming doesn’t work on all panels, on the global one and many others gives me this MqttException:
“WARNING: Lost connection to MQTT broker! Cause: MqttException. Reconnecting in 5 seconds…”
Any chance we can see how the JAVA call to simply arm/disarm the global panel is made? In the end I don’t think many persons really need to see if a radar is idle or active, what people need on Home Assistant is to be able to arm and disarm the alarm with a button.
I successfully installed and configured both mqtt_broker and the local Bentel integration v1.1 but I’m not able to add it to any dashboard… what I’m missing?
I’m wondering if there’s a way to trigger the alarm. I have other sensors in Home Assistant (HA) that are not connected to the Bentel alarm system. I would like to trigger the Bentel alarm if an “external” sensor changes its status.
I didn’t see a service in the integration to do that. Any suggestions?