Best way to capture these Z-Wave switches?

I have multiple Aeotec Dual Nano Switches around the house and I can’t figure out a way to affectively capture the switch events.

They work absolutely fine when I configure the control destinations to “Load” meaning it just acts as a normal light switch which is great for extractor fans for example but I want to configure some switches for WiFi bulbs so I’d like to always sustain power to the bulbs and turn them off and on programmatically.

I have found this way whereby I configure the switch to control an association group but I’ve found this method to be very unreliable. It sometimes takes 20 seconds to turn on a light after I flip the switch!

I so wish I could just capture everything in this Binary Switch Tab in the Z-Wave settings for the devices as entities:

Can anyone suggest a bullet proof method for this?

What do you mean? The values in the image you’ve posted are already configured as switch entities in HA. Are those missing?

This may not answer your question at all. I have some different aeotec remotes and I do things with those by listening for zwave_js_value_notification events and filtering by node so only the remote’s events make it through to some kind of service call.