My heating system is based on a Mitsubishi Ecodan Heat Pump (ASHP). The ground floor is UFH running a Heatmiser system. The other 2 floors have radiators with Aqara Smart TRVs.
The UFH part runs well as it has a relay to signal “call for heat” to the ASHP.
For the TRVs, I was initially hoping these would have an obvious attribute like “valve is open”, which would directly translate to “calling for heat”, but apparently I was wrong. I even made a feature request to Aqara, but I was ignored apparently. The only way I managed to integrate it with the rest of the system was by creating a Home Assistant binary sensor that directly controls a relay, which is:
- ON if any TRV’s
(set point) - OFF otherwise.
This is a bit sub optimal as I have the impression this sensor is ON most of the time. This is bad for my pocket, so I’m trying to improve it. Anybody has suggestions on how to make it better?
For now my idea is creating a binary sensor for each TRV, that would be:
- ON if
- 0.5ºC. - OFF if
+ 0.5ºC. - STAY UNCHANGED otherwise.
I would update the original binary sensor to be an OR of all individual sensors above.
I’m not sure how to implement the 3rd part (Stay Unchanged). I’ve seen post #342663 (Force Template Sensor to retain value) but I’m not sure it will work well. I’m currently trying to make it work.
I’m also a bit worried the TRV might not exactly work with the -0.5ºC ~ +0.5ºC grace window (hysteresis?). I’m considering verifying it experimentally.
I also considered using a Threshold but apparently I can not set the threshold dynamically (for when someone changes the set temperature).
I also considered using a Derivative sensor, but it seems to be useful only to reduce the frequency of change (which might be useful as an extended goal).
I’m digging into Generic Thermostat as well. Sounds reasonable?
Any suggestions are welcome! Thanks a lot!