I have updated hass.io to the latest version yesterday (141). Since then I have some problems with my zigbee devices, specifically the binary sensors (xiaomi aqara proximity sensors). I’m running ‘Mosquitto broker’ and ‘zigbee2mqtt’ add-on. The same setup has been working on older versions of hass.io and zigbee2mqtt. I’m not sure if my problem is hass.io and/or on of the plugins problems. I couldn’t find an answer in the forums.
The problem: the states of the binary sensors aren’t updating properly. Sometimes they do change from ‘off’ to ‘on’, but then they don’t change back to ‘off’ anymore, ever. Only a reboot can change them back to ‘off’.
Then another question: How do I properly delete a sensor? I find different answers online for different versions and honestly I don’t know anymore. I’ve tried deleting entries in some of the .storage files but that always leads to a non-booting hass.io. Can someone explain to me how to properly delete a light/sensor/whatever without breaking it? This would be very hulpfull for deleting faulty entries.