Blink Integration support for Mini Cameras

No, the Blink Mini functionality isnt fully fleshed out because the API endpoints have not been found yet (specifically referring to arming and disarming the cameras)

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In the future, do you know if they can be used, or will everything remain the same? Thank you. Gracias!!!

The goal is certainly to have the same functionality for all cameras. Just a matter of when the right API endpoint is uncovered

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The blink integration for HA was one of the only reasons I bought into these cameras. Recently, even after all the hard work by the HA devs to handle the API policy changes and 2FA, motion and scraping images have never really worked reliably for me. Could be issues with the camera, sometimes popping batteries waiting a minute and re-installing helps, but not always. I tried the IFTTT route, but I have moved away from it when they decided to limit you to 3 apps unless you pay for it (they deserve to make some $$ but for me HA can do most everything I need without yet another monthly service :wink:

Just for fun, I decided to try a different (and admittedly hacky) route. I just replaced my pixel 2 with a pixel 5. I pulled the SIM card from my pixel 2 and turned it into just a wifi only device. I removed most of the clutter leaving just RING and Blink apps with notifications enabled as well as the Android Home Assistant app. I then wrote a small appdaemon app that listens for my pixel last notification sensor. So far, it seem s to be picking up all of the Motion notifications reliably.

I have 5 blinks and a Ring doorbell. Some are in my frontyard, some in the back. I created a pair of virtual switches, frontyardmotion and backyardmotion. Whenever a front or backyard device sees motion, I turn this on for a few minutes and then switch it off. I then use various automations that trigger when either of those switches turn on, for example, turn on the flood lights in the back or front yard, blink some lights etc.
This also lets my Alexa and Google assistant’s know when there is outside motion.

I would imagine I could do this without an android device by using a virtual android instance (developers sandbox) as well.

While I will be the first to admit this is a bit of a hack, it seems to be working pretty well and it avoids all the problems with hitting the API directly. I know it is just motion alerts, but the temperature, battery and other sensors aren’t really all that useful on the blink’s.

What is not clear is if the android last_notification sensor will really send all notifications or will it sometimes skip some if they all happen close together.

Would be interested in others thoughts on this.

any updates?

Got a Blink Mini and it doesn’t work in HA. Is the integration still being worked on?

Is the Blink integration still in development for Mini to work?

I have 2 Blink indoor Mini’s… I’ve looked but cannot see where they work now. Is this still being worked on or did I miss something?

HUGE Thanks for all you do!!!

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Hi, just got some Blink mini, a V2 gateway, a doorbell and an exterior camera for the cottage. Was unable to get the Mini motion detection to be controlled by HA so checked the forum and found this thread. Seeing that all previous posts have been unanswered, I’m not having much hope that this has been fixed :frowning:

Someone in another thread mentioned that he separated the Mini from the rest of his system in the App, which allowed the Mini to be individually controlled, How would you go about doing that? I don’t recall specifying anything in particular when I added my Mini.


struggling also with that … is it possible to at least
amr/disarm these cameras via home-assistant?


I don’t think so. It was being debugged but I don’t think dev managed to sort out the issues with the Mini