Blueprint: Condition-Selector Improvements - Optional Configuration Variables

When it comes to flexibility within Blueprints on Userside, the Condition-Selector seems to be the Choice, as it allows the User to freely combine Entities, Operators and Values.
However, its Usecase is quite limited and could be highly improved with a big outcome:

  1. Condition-Selector usable as Trigger (Optional Variable)
    The Selector has no Switches, and basically gives a complete Condition-Block.
    A Trigger in Automations needs - platform: state, while that Selector starts with - condition: state.
    Suggested Solution:
    A Configuration Variable trigger (true, Optional, default: false), which takes care of that Prefix. By beeing Optional and using true/false there would be no breaking changes in existing Configurations.

  2. Condtion-Selector makes use of !input (Optional Variable)
    While the User can freely configure a Condition-Block, it always needs the Pair of Entities, Operators and Values. Thus, neither the Entities, nor the Conditions can be re-used later.
    Suggested Solution:
    A Configuration Variable entities (Optional, default: false), which accepts !input.
    By beeing Optional there would be no breaking changes in existing Configurations.

Of course Things could be simplified, by a new trigger: Selector.
It would basically be the condition: Selector, but returning - platform: state instead.

Sure still, (for both Selectors) the possibility to make use of !input would increase flexibilty as well.

But a completely flexible Trigger for Blueprints would bring the biggest benefit in first Place.
And from my understanding it isn’t more than just replacing the leading Text, so it would be a lot of Bang for the Buck :sunglasses:


I don’t know if I understand this correctly. I need a condition for my CCA-blueprint that triggers.

So it’s not currently possible, is it?

My question: