Bluetooth device controller

Hello everyone. Just wondering is it possible to control Bluetooth of RPi3 via any extension? Just want to control my BLE devices

In theory, you could use python and pygatt libs.

I’ve try to hack my Nespresso coffee machine. Still need lot of work but as pof it’s working.

Oh really. This is becoming interesting. I also own 2x Nespressos with BT connectivity. But I always thought they encrypt the messages. Never really tried to scan. But I did scan my Zimismart blinds motor and already have the sentences which I simply want to playback to the blind controllers.

Have a look here:

and here:

As you asked here, it can indeed be don with pygatt in a python script:

This is how i send command to the nespresso coffee machine

This is gold! I actually have both machines Prodigio and Expert. Even though Im fine with the app from nespresso itself but I thought that voice commands via google assistant would be nice. But I will focus now on my smart shades integration because I have those controllers all over the place.

Now you’ve got some basics to start at least a python script or a full components. You know it is possible to send hex value to a ble device :slight_smile:

And if you get it work nicely, you’ll be able to help me on the Nespresso parts.

Absolutelly. I think we should build a normal integration for Nespresso. Ofcourse its not going to be as elegant as other integrations because you would need to sniff your own auth hex string. But it would be a fun project during this coronavirus quarantine

Indeed, but:
1: i have to work during quarantine :frowning:
2: i have absolutly not the knowledge of HA to make such an integrations re-:frowning:

So i let anyone with those competence do it for me.