Bluetooth: Devices unvailable after system, core and supervisor updates


I described part of the problem here: Zigbee2mqqt: Devices disconnected after system, core and supervisor update

but as that topic is related with zigbee and this could be a different problem, I think a separate post coulb be a better option

Last night I updated the operating system, core and supervisor to the last version. These are the installed versions:

  • Core2024.1.6
  • Supervisor2024.01.1
  • Operating System11.5
  • Frontend20240104.0

This morning I detected that some of my installed bluetooth devices had stopped reporting values and the time/data fits with the actualizations although the status differs:

  • Termometro cocina, baño and aseo stopped sending values at 9:09, the hour I started updating the system. They only connected again after bringing them closer to the RBPI 4, but they start again with the problems after placing again in its place.

  • Termometro cuarto juegos is having some ronadom disconnections during all the night but not this morning.

  • Termometro_Irati_andion: Not problem at all.

The location of the devices doesn’t seem to affect directly to the communication problems… at least not clearly:

  • Termometro cuarto juegos: Closest to the RBPi, just 2 meters away, in a room back to back to the living room where the RBPi is located–> random problems
  • Termometro aseo: Located in a small bathroom , 6 meters away from the RB, and with only 1 wall- door to the RB. → communication problems
  • termometro aseo: Located in the kitchen , 6 meters away from the RB, and with only 1 wall to the RB. → communication problems
  • Termometro_IRati_Andion: Located in a room , 6 meters away from the RB, and with 2 walls to the RB. → without problems.
  • Termometro_ baños: Located in a bathroom, 6 meters away from the RB, and with 2 walls to the RB. → communication problems.

I’m using the integrated bluetooth of the RBpI that I’m aware has some range issues, but before the update all my devices where communicating perfectly.