April 13, 2024, 10:25am
I’m using home assistant in a docker container and I’m unable to get the bluetooth integration to work.
I mapped the /run/dbus
path and I’m currently running the container privileged.
The integration says under “needs attention”:
No devices or entities
Failed setup, will retry
Bluetooth adapter None with address 00:00:00:00:00:00 not found
In the “integration entries” I can see the MAC address of my bluetooth chip.
Edit: A lot of people seem to be having the same issue!
Appreciate some direction/advice.
I’m running HA updated - 11.2 HAOS and home assistant 2023.11.3 on a Raspberry Pi 3B.
# ha os info
board: rpi3-64
boot: B
data_disk: SanDisk-Ultra-Fit-010114b52421b7859b278ff6bd1912998f4b9ffdb511943aea8da3ed8c0a60c1760700000000000000000000b8f450b5ff102500835581079d26bcf3
update_available: false
version: "11.2"
version_latest: "11.2"
The homeassistant web ui reports: Needs Attention hci0 “No devices or entities” and “Failed setup, will retry” and if I hover ov…
I have an HA yellow, my Bluetooth integration was working fine for many months but i now have this error as well. Best guess one of the updates has knocked this out.
If anyone managed to resolve this issue please shout!
Else i will have to hope future updates fix this issue…
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Hi! Did you solve this issue? I have the same…
November 20, 2024, 1:27am
My skybell device integration used to work. Now I get a failed setup, “Will retry: Failed to communicate with device:” Any idea what to do?