Raspberry Pi 3 Bluetooth "Failed setup, will retry"

Appreciate some direction/advice.

I’m running HA updated - 11.2 HAOS and home assistant 2023.11.3 on a Raspberry Pi 3B.

# ha os info
board: rpi3-64
boot: B
data_disk: SanDisk-Ultra-Fit-010114b52421b7859b278ff6bd1912998f4b9ffdb511943aea8da3ed8c0a60c1760700000000000000000000b8f450b5ff102500835581079d26bcf3
update_available: false
version: "11.2"
version_latest: "11.2"

The homeassistant web ui reports: Needs Attention hci0 “No devices or entities” and “Failed setup, will retry” and if I hover over the Failed setup it says “Bluetooth adapter None with address 00:00:00:00:00:00 not found”.

Beneath that I have 1 integration entries - which with a MAC address as 1 device.

If I ssh in, and run bluetoothctl, I see lots of MAC addresses and I even successfully paired my iphone to homeassistant - but I never see any of those MAC addresses (including my iphone’s bluetooth) in the Web UI?

With the integration in debugging mode, I do so some MAC addresses in the log as “connectable” and even my iphone.

Have I got something messed up? I’m hoping to use my phones presence with some activities (well I’m playing to see what is possible).


Having exact same problem, also looking for a solution :slight_smile:

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did you found a solution? im on 2024.1.6. and i get this issue.

The Issue seems to persist. I am new to Home Assistant. I made an installation from scratch on a Raspi 3B and updated to 11.5 one hour ago.

$ ha os info
board: rpi3-64
boot: A
data_disk: SC16G-0x9f285366
update_available: true
version: “11.4”
version_latest: “11.5”

A WS07 Bluetooth Hygrometer thermometer just works without any configuration.
But my CC-RT-BLE thermostats don’t show up.

Has anybody any hints to my issues?

Have the same problem. Does anybody know a solution?

Same issue as well over here.

Exact same issue here too.

Just wanna jump in and say I’m seeing the same issue persist as a new user and am hoping this is the type of bug that travels up the ladder pretty quickly since id assume the central computer running the system not being able to Bluetooth is a kinda big deal.

That said im seeing its been a few months. As I’m new here is this something we expect fixed by the developers or is this likely to be a user generated hack (aka we are the developers).

Same here, not on a Raspberry Pi and with HA in a docker container.

I hope this helps somebody: the issue disappeared after moving from the SD card to an external USB SSD.

So, it seems the root cause was the throughput of my SD card.

Now I have 2 weeks of uptime without issue.

Same issue here… since this is now a few months old, was anyone successful?

Seems to be fixed with the latest update? Don’t get this message anymore.