BM6 Battery Monitor ESPHome

Continuing the discussion from BM2 battery monitoring using ble tracker component:

I recently bought a Sealey BT2020 Battery Monitor. This was described as a BM6 in a BLE sniffer. After much digging I found this post and an ESPHome configuration that just worked! Couldn’t find any reference to it on the forum.

Reverse engineering the BM6 BLE battery monitor |

bm6-battery-monitor/ESPHome/bm6.yaml at main · JeffWDH/bm6-battery-monitor

Oh, good to know! I wonder how many other names the BM6 goes by. I’ve added a note on that blog post with the fact it’s also known as the Sealey BT2020. Thanks!

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There are lots on Amazon that look identical, but I decided to pay a little more for a brand name.

Now, im working on integration for BM6 Rafciq/BM6: Home Assistant integration for Battery Monitor BM6

In few days I publish first version.

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I published an integration for Battery Monitor BM6. Have fun!