BMW Connected drive doesn't work anymore?

Any idea when the beta will be released as full integration? I don’t mind waiting a while.

In the next version of HA Core at the earliest.

Just installed the custom component and works great.

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justi nstalled mine and it fails… ;-(
Anyone lucky enough to get it working?
I am on homeassistant running on docker (not supervised) - newest updates.
I configured the bmw integration according to instructions for Europe - email, pass, ‘rest_of_world’
But i cannot authenticate.
anyone solved that and have it working for europe?
I get:
2021-11-20 08:39:45 ERROR (SyncWorker_15) [bimmer_connected.account] Authentication failed (invalid_request): The request is missing a required parameter, includes an unsupported parameter value (other than grant type), repeats a parameter, includes multiple credentials, utilizes more than one mechanism for authenticating the client, or is otherwise malformed
Logger: bimmer_connected.account
Source: /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/bimmer_connected/
First occurred: 8:42:27 AM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 8:42:27 AM

Authentication failed (invalid_request): The request is missing a required parameter, includes an unsupported parameter value (other than grant type), repeats a parameter, includes multiple credentials, utilizes more than one mechanism for authenticating the client, or is otherwise malformed

Have you installed the beta as a custom component, or are you using the built-in integration? The latter isn’t working right now following changes by BMW to their API.

I’m not sure if this is relevant but BMW Connected app has be decommissioned by BMW in favor of My BMW App the latter will no longer work and will throw authentication errors to the user.

I just bought my first BMW and was unable to get the myBMW app to work at the dealership with the “invalid_client” error. I am using a Pixel 4a 5G phone with latest Android 12 installed. I was able to fix it by not only clearing the myBMW application data, but also my Chrome application data. Now I’m logged in and everything is working. Hope that helps someone.

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Problems have been solved by the latest release 2021.12.0

Is the device_tracker working? The integration is working again, but my device_tracker isn’t working.

Yes, it works, but device tracker change entity name (_2 at the end).
By the way, all my device tracker get a _2 at the end and the previous one cannot be deleted and are marked read only.

Ok. Thanks for the information. Found the second device_tracker. However, this one just says “unknown”.

Very nice Dashboard. Would you mind to share?

Thanks, but I’m afraid I no longer have a MINI so I deleted it a while ago.

Most of it was with standard components if I remember correctly, the only custom one was the following for the collapsable lists:

i changed my BMW password

I now get

Retrying setup: Error communicating with BMW API: Client error '401 Unauthorized' for url '' For more

How do i update the password in Home Assistant?

You can check for instructions how to change the password here → Integration BMW Connected Drive - Change account / Re-Authorize · Issue #86253 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

thank did the trick!

Hi Ivan,

can you share your code ?

Sorry @boxi, I no longer have a Mini and deleted this page from my setup a while ago.

Hi ianm,

No issue thank you for your response.

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