Do you want to include in the message both electric mile range AND total mile range or only one of them?
Just interested in electric, since I barely use rEX.
Ok, can you send me the text inside your charging finished call service node? I’ll show you how to add the range to the message, here’s an example of mine:
"message": "i3 Charging FINISHED",
"title": "BMW"
Click on the dots shown here to pull it up
and confirm you have an entity inside HA called: sensor.i3s_94_rex_remaining_range_electric
Notify iOS BMW Finished call service node
"data": {
"priority": 0,
"sound": "cosmic"
"message": "FINISHED - Fully Charged",
"target": "iphone",
"title": "i3s Charging"
Confirmed sensor.i3s_94_rex_remaining_range_electric
is present in HA
Ok here’s what should work inside the call service node:
"data": {
"priority": 0,
"sound": "cosmic"
"message": "FINISHED - Fully Charged | Range: {{states.sensor.i3s_94_rex_remaining_range_electric.state}}",
"target": "iphone",
"title": "i3s Charging"
if you want it to come through as “FINISHED - Fully Charged | Range: 185 miles” then you need to add the word “miles” after the {{states.sensor.i3s_94_rex_remaining_range_electric.state}} but before the ", so it would look like this:
"data": {
"priority": 0,
"sound": "cosmic"
"message": "FINISHED - Fully Charged | Range: {{states.sensor.i3s_94_rex_remaining_range_electric.state}} miles",
"target": "iphone",
"title": "i3s Charging"
you can experiment with how it text you want in your message will output if you go inside HA and click on TEMPLATE inside dev tools and then paste the line you’re creating into the space I have circled in yellow to see how it outputs, out put will show off to the right side like where I have it circled in red…
Oh right on - starting to see the structure of things now.
I’ll monitor the invalid messages overnight, then next seeing how this can be integrated to my Vizio TV. What information gets displayed on your LG?
Again, thanks a bunch for the lesson - much appreciated!
Yeah I have notifications go to my TV if the TV is on, you’ll need to learn how to setup your TV with HA and be able to send messages to it, once you have that going I can help you out if you’d like, it’ll be pretty easy now you have a base setup working.
I’ll search to see what’s already been posted to see if this is even a possibility. Thanks again!
Quick question - is there a way to have battery level & time remaining within the same notification? Tried searching and didn’t see a definitive answer.
I have both states.sensor.i3s_94_rex_charging_time_remaining
& states.sensor.i3s_94_rex_charging_level_hv.state
Battery Level xx% | Time Remaining: x:xx
Or would a better method be sending a time remaining notification a singe time once the i3 is plugged in?
My car doesn’t show time remaining when it’s charging. That sensor doesn’t ever show me anything. You can check yours to see if it shows something when your car is charging. If it does yes you can put it in your message. I’m on my phone so won’t be able to show you tonight. Check that sensor when your car is charging and let me know what it shows and we’ll go from there.
No response from that sensor either. I found you can view live status in HA under STATES.
What about using states.sensor.i3s_94_rex_max_range_electric
as a predictive mileage notification?
Battery Level xx% | Estimated eRange: xxx mi
Is this possible to report both states in the same notification?
Ended up figuring it out, code for those interested:
"message": "Battery Level {{ states.sensor.i3s_94_rex_charging_level_hv.state }}% | Projected eRange {{ states.sensor.i3s_94_rex_max_range_electric }}mi",
"title": "BMW i3 is {{ states.sensor.i3s_94_rex_charging_status.state }}"