Bosch Shutter Control 2

shutter control 2 (or light control) is on the market for some weeks now.
Is there any plannings to support that bosch device?
Unfortunately I have only a german site for that device.


I’m interessted in this as well. I bought one and tried it out (luckily before installing it in the wall) and found out that Homeassistant / ZHA wasn’t able to detect it. And I don’t know what kind of information are necessary for building a custom integration for it :smiley:


I am using it.
With automatic controll so far.
Home Assistant integration would be great.

Hello all,

I would also be very interested in integrating the new generation of devices. Unfortunately, I also fell for the fact that these are not yet supported at all. Now I have a lot of sensors installed, which I can unfortunately only control via the Bosch Smart Home app. Concerns both the Light/shutter control II and the Door/window contact II (plus).



BoschSmartHome API was updated recently. CHANGELOG mentions
New: Shutter Control II BlindsControl state for controlling the angle of blinds New: Shutter Control II BlindsSceneControl state for controlling the angle and level of blinds at the same time

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Does this last post mean the Bosch Shutter Control 2 devices are now supported?

(sorry if the aswer would be trivial ;-))

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No, these are the release notes from the public Bosch SHC API that can be used to integrate it into OpenSource projects.

The custom Bosch SHC integration from tschamm already supports the new light and shutter control II and other 2nd generation devices.

Would be really nice to have them in the official integration as well!


You also might want to check the custom integration from Thomas, I believe it’s still ahead in terms of features and devices included

The Github-Page for the custom integration also has instructions how to produce information for an integration, in case the developers do not possess the device.


For info; I now see in zigbee2mqtt support for this controller;
See just released version; Release 1.30.4 · Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt · GitHub
Search for BMCT-SLZ in the release notes.

I just tested but the device still was not recognized after pairing…
I check if I can find some support…


To add here: the device is perfectly working. I missed adding the activation code as documented here: Bosch BMCT-SLZ control via MQTT | Zigbee2MQTT


Do you only use the light functionality? I would be interested in the shutter option. Since, it provides two different calibration times for up and down. I have a huge shutter for the terrace, which takes up +1 seconds than down.

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I use the light functionality to control our ventilation system. I can confirm you that in the MQTT integration of the device, in the shutter functionality you can set the up and down timing differently.

I plan to use this device as to control the external blinds. From all the blind controlling devices I tested, these looks like the best designed and with the best hardware.

To confirm; using it now as a shutter on some blinds; it works perfectly with the 2 different timings for up and down.
That being said: I would strongly advice for a system where the motor knows the end positions of the shutter (either by a programming mode where you learn the positions - motor will count each time the revolutions, or the motor will stop because of being obstructed to move and it can handle this - versus just burning out…
You just don’t want a system where you risk your motor because of the controller sends power for too long. From an engineering point of view the motor control is too important to work without a loopback that protects the motor.

On my screens I use devices with a single timer; you just set it to the longest. This works fine as long as you use the screens between full closed and open. Only when you use partial open/closed the position can go off. But if you do once a full cycle the position is fine again. I hope this explanation makes sense.
In practice we use 99% of the time full open/close cycles. So the single timing is not really an issue.

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If someone is looking for ZHA support for this device I started a GitHub issue at [Device Support Request] Bosch Light/shutter control II (BMCT-SLZ) · Issue #2518 · zigpy/zha-device-handlers · GitHub .

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For your info: I have a small issue on the multiple calibration times: Open/close works perfect.
But if you want to set the blinds/screens at for example 90% closed (so you get some feeling if it is still dark out side or not); if you start from closed, 90% is a bit different then when start from open. it is not dramatic. But if would be good to understand what ‘90%’ means when opening and closing takes different time. And maybe the issue is only there because of the inaccuracy in the closing/opening time I set.

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What kind of integration are you using?
I would be interested in having confirmation it is working with zigbee2mqtt as I am planning to buy a few of them.


I use zigbee2mqtt ; just don’t forget to add the install codes like I did initially.
In a direct message, you indicated the documentation was not clear to you. Could you details what was not clear?
I have now 5 or 6 of these in use. All except one supporting Roller blinds, 1 managing the ventilation system (which has 3 states that can be controlled via 230V inputs).

Thank you so much for confirming, you are making my day!

In the z2m documentation I read, under notes:
" The device can operate either as a two-channel light switch or as roller shutter/window blind. The operation mode is set after the initial pairing. Currently, the light switch operation mode is configured as a default. Roller shutter operation mode is not supported yet.

That made me doubt.

A good comment: indeed strange that comment as it works OK for me as a shutter.
For your info, this is a screenshot for a ‘Roller Blind’ I have, set to shutter for the Bosch device.

But…Some shutter modules, are able to learn the timing to open and close a roller automated. I am wondering if it is this the writer is referring to. The manual here is not very clear, but the user videos are: this controller paired with a Bosch controller can be setup automated. This is not supported in z2mqtt. You will have to set the timing manual.
Anyway: I would suggest to buy one and play with it, before you buy pack of 10 ;-).

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Thanks for sharing.
So far it seems the best option I have with z2m.

They will be installed by the company responsible for the complete revamping of the electric system of the house. This why I have to buy them all.