Bosch Smart Home

Is the HACS integration the same as the one found under configuration > add integration?
I’m trying to install your version from HACS because it includes rollo controls. However, my interface does not look like the thumbnails on the repository (there is no configure button) and clicking the integration within HACS just opens an overview of the module.

Any tips on installing from HACS without auto discovery?

Hi @Miniclubbin,

within HACS, search for Bosch Smart Home Controller (SHC) integration and select that integration. On the lower right, you should see a message like Install this repository into HACS. After that, you have to restart HA.

You can check the full logs. When the custom_component is installed correctly, something like this should be printed:
2021-06-24 22:46:06 WARNING (SyncWorker_1) [homeassistant.loader] We found a custom integration bosch_shc which has not been tested by Home Assistant. This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you experience issues with Home Assistant. Then you can add the integration either via auto-discovery, or otherwise using add integration, then search for Bosch SHC.

Best, Thomas

i currently get a constant stream of errors:

2021-07-23 16:16:19 ERROR (SyncWorker_4) [root] Failed to get public information from SHC controller: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=8446): Max retries exceeded with url: /smarthome/public/information (Caused by ConnectTimeoutError(<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x7f276cb3d190>, 'Connection to timed out. (connect timeout=30)'

i have absolutely no idea where that particular ip address comes from - i don’t use anything near that ip range (and never had), nor does the host for the ha virtual machine and/or the internal docker list it anywhere. my local dns server does not resolve to such a range either, and mdns looks to be ok too; the integration seems to work properly apart from that error.

any idea where to look that up? thanks in advance!

Hey guys,

I just started my home assistant vm with the bosch SHC integration. But currently I am not able to switch off/on my wall plug as it is only recognised as a sensor. As I’ve read this thread here, it seems that the official integrations just started and is lacking some features.
Now my question is, if the feature of switching on/off my wall plug is being added to he integration at some point?

I’ve also read that there is some sort of custom way of integrating the BOSCH SHC into HA. So I’m a bit lost here. Is it possible for me to run the official integration and the custom one at the same time and would I then be able to switch off/on my wall plug?

Hi @Kasalla
glad you’ve found your way here. You can install the custom component via HACS:

After HACS is added, go to the HACS side panel, search for „Bosch SHC“ Integration and install it. When both integrations (official and custom) are installed, the custom component is used.

The official integration has a very slow progress currently, I‘m sorry for this.

Regards, Thomas


Same for me. Can you connect to your shc via smartphone outside your network? I cant. Turned the shc off for 15 minutes didnt resolve the issue. Just a guess: This ip was sent from the shc to the bosch Server for remote access and got stuck there. This is obviously a ip a device gives itself when it cant get a ip from the dhcp server. Locally, everything works fine, from the bosch app and from HA.

… no I’ couldn’t (don’t ever use it).- have all my IoT devices on the same LAN, with same firewall settings DNS, etc. i.e. the Hue bridge worked all the time.

Considering your experience with a device restart, I did just disable and re-enable the remote control setting from the Bosch Android app, and remote control started working again immediately, unfortunately theses errors are still rolling - so these are apparently not related (did that help you, at least?)

You are probably right about a self-assigned IP, but I don’t see where and why… it might be that the device does some obscure things, which may not work bc not accessible from within my very restricted IoT network, but I also don’t see anything specific in my firewall logs.

Last but not least: To me the error message points to a HA service that is trying to access that particular IP, so…


this integration is my bread and butter for my Home Setup. I mostly use Bosch Components and Fibaro devices in a 50:50 ratio. Works like a charm.

Any hope to get the Bosch universal switch working?
So far it only reports Battery status… :slight_smile:

@tschamm thanks for your contribution in this matter! I have used the onboard Bosch integration but it did not recognize the shutter controller. I switched to your custom component and it works now, thanks for that!
I thought about buying the universal switch as well to control stuff with HA :smiley:
is there anything planned on implementing the universal switch in the near future?


regarding the universal switches, these are already supported :smiley:
A pressed button on the switch will trigger an event. The event you have to listen is bosch_shc.event.

I hope this is what you expected.

Still sorry for the slow progress with the official integration, but I don’t have any idea how to speed this up.

Best, Thomas

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sorry for a little OT, but what is the motivation of pushing it towards official integration?
Being in HACS it can be updated out of official HA release cycle which is great benefit. Also from my experience, once it lands in HA core, it slows down its development a lot.

Indeed! Works like a charm. Kudos and Thanks!
And good luck with the official integration. So far I have zero issues with the Bosch Integration, and my entire house is made of this. And Fibaro.

@tschamm grrrrrrreat :smiley:
Will buy some now :wink:
will all the four pressure zones (respectively the short and long press) be recognized?

The switch has two buttons (upper and lower) each one can be pressed short or long.
So in total you can differentiate between 4 events subtypes.

Good question… :see_no_evil:

The HACS integration is quite stable currently, and most of the relevant features are available.

Due to changes in the interface, or functionality within HA core the integration may stop working after each update. IMHO this risk is reduced when the integration is available officially due to beta tests. This is why I still push this forward.

Hey! Thanks. After I found about how to script events in automations, it works fine. Thanks for your work! :smiley:

Have you seen how many core integrations break recently with every new HA version? And how slowly fixes are released?

Maybe I’m wrong but afaik fixes to integrations cannot be released independently from ha releases, which is serious limitation imo.

Not sure if it meets your expectations. I could however understand that once in core, probably other devs might take care about it once you are out of time.

I also wanted to thank @tschamm for his super work on this Bosch integration - hopefully in the future we can get more parts of this ecosystem up and running.

I also agree that its best to concentrate on HACS to make progress as efficient as possible.

Hello community,

I was able to install the integration via HACS but I have no chance to configure it.
The controller isn’t discoverd and the log shows:

 Failed to get public information from SHC controller: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=8446): Max retries exceeded with url: /smarthome/public/information (Caused by ConnectTimeoutError(<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x7f19b814a8b0>, 'Connection to timed out. (connect timeout=30)'))

With the official HA Bosch SHC the controller is found and I can add it.

I uninstalled the official integration and installed again the custom component.

How can I start the configuration?

Pls could you share an example.
For example for Upper short press