Bosch Smart Home

Hi all,

in the last weeks much work went on merging the two developments into one (see above). The refactoring of the home assistant component boschshc-hass and of the external python library boschshcpy, available on PyPi, is now finished.

@cabrust Clemens, I would be very happy if you can test it with your climate and temperature sensors, and of course if it fits to your expectations.
@all: Feedback is highly appreciated. Just add the boschshc custom component, and add to your configuration.yaml the following lines:

   ip_address: ''
   ssl_certificate: '/path/to/cert.pem'
   ssl_key: '/path/to/key.pem'
   name: 'Example Name of SHC'

I will start working on tests and again check the guidelines for pull requests. We’re not far away from creating a first pull request in the home-assistant/core repository. As pull requests require to limit to a single platform per PR, I propose to start with the binarysensor platform.

Regards, Thomas


Works perfekt out of the Box thanks so much for your Work.
And now my thermostat are in HomeKit.



I just integrated it and put up some charts for the thermostats. Works absolutely great. Will try to do some automation. Thanks for your hard work, it is so much aprichiated.


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Just wanted to let you know - it is working for me as well. However I noticed an error in the logs dont know if this is important?

## Log Details (ERROR)

Logger: homeassistant.components.climate
Source: custom_components/boschshc/
Integration: Climate ([documentation](, [issues](
First occurred: 12:57:52 AM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 12:57:52 AM

Error while setting up boschshc platform for climate

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 178, in _async_setup_platform await asyncio.wait_for(asyncio.shield(task), SLOW_SETUP_MAX_WAIT) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/asyncio/", line 442, in wait_for return fut.result() File "/config/custom_components/boschshc/", line 106, in async_setup_entry return await async_add_entities(entities) TypeError: object NoneType can't be used in 'await' expression

Thanks for reporting. I assume, as everything is working, it happend only once during initialization.
@cabrust Do you have an idea what is the reason for the error? I do not own a climate device so I can’t test it.

Climate and thermostats are currently implemented as service only, so Home Assistant will treat them as entities without devices. I can try to provide a feature branch for this soon, but I will need someone who wants to test the changes, as I do not own thermostats/climate devices.

After the release of 0.108, I created the first pull requests (code, brand images, doc) for the boschshc integration, starting with the binary sensor support. I’m curious to see the results of the PR.

Just wanted to give you an update what your great work has enabled in my Home Assistant. I now get a report of open Windows on 23:00, if I leave the flat or if I enable the intrusion detection. This is absolutly awesome. I get that via Telegram.

Fenster noch offen.
Fenster Büro: on
Fenster Bad: off
Fenster Küche: off
Terrassentür: off
Fenster Kleingarten: off
Fenster Schlafzimmer: off
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Can do a test, no problem.

Hi Frank,
I implemented the SHC Thermostat (of type TRV) as HA sensor device, using package boschshcpy-dev==0.1.3.dev1. You can test it, if you switch in the custom component to branch feature/additional_devices. The boschshcpy-dev package is available on pypi, so home assistant should fetch it automatically.
I assume it makes more sense to add the thermostat as a climate device. But lets proceed step-by-step.
Regards, Thomas

Short update on the status of the integration:
Docs and Brands PR have been accepted, code PR is still in review.

I updated the boschshcpy to 0.1.3. Using devices or services in multiple HA platforms should now work. Just update the boschshc folder in your custom compontent directory to master.

Cheers, Thomas


the Bosch Wall Thermostats now expose the measured humidity in addition to the temperature level (see Bosch Smart Home Local API). The service call is already implemented in boschshcpy==0.1.5.dev0, but I need your support. If someone owns this Wall Thermostat, I would be happy if you send me the device model string, it should be something like “TRV”. I will implement the corresponding SHC sensor platform then.
Best regards, Thomas

Update: Wall thermostat support is available since boschshcpy==0.1.6 and ready for test in the current custom component.

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Is this Project still alive?

Kind of. Code PR needs review and one conflict needs to be resolved. So i guess we have to wait until someone from HA does that.

Great integration, thanks a lot for all the work.

I have several smoke detectors installed. Is there any way to distinguish them so that I can allocate them to rooms? Seems that no devide ID or BHC room allocation is displayed with the entity.

Edit: I found a way to find out the room name. You need to add one of the smoke detector entities to a card in lovelace. If you select the entity, it will display the associated SHC room name.

is there a tutorial for dummys/noobs?
i have a lot bosch theremostats and no idea how to use this :C

First big compliment to all guys working on that API.

I just started working with homeAssistant in python environment on my pi.
My first tries are connecting IKEA Tradfri and MI Motion sensors.

Now I bought shutter controls from Bosch Smart Home to get it work with homeAssistant.
I thought I don´t need the Bosch Smart Home Controller, because in the description of the shutter controls I read, that the shutter controls speak zigbee,

I am running HomeAssistant with the RaspBee module from Dresden Electronics.
And now I am curious reading this thread. Did I misunderstood and do I really need the Bosch Smart Home controller to get it work ?

Any help would be great. Thanks.

I added the custom integration into my and it works well for all the sensors (temp, door, smoke detector, etc.), but it won’t recognize the climate sensors … they are detected as an entity, but “not available” in home assistant.
Any ideas?

can you answer my question eventually? If you have your devices working, it would be easy to do that.
would be gr8. thx

All Bosch Smart Home devices need the controller to work (except for the TwinGuard). Check the Bosch website … there are always system requirements listed.