Bosch Smart Home

can someone make a short step by step tutorial how to install this? pleas i don’t understand how

Is there a way to invert the open/close 0-100% values? Currently they are the opposit of whats used in the bosch app

Today Bosch announced a native HomeKit integration of their Smart Home devices:

Their HomeKit interface can probably be used for local integration into HA through the HomeKit controller.

Hey you guys! You can’t belive how happy I am to read about your efforts and I see how close you are to get this effort to a release. How can I motivate and help you to make the last steps needed?

When redoing my house i chose BSH components for quite some parts - since they had already announced to be supporting HomeKit. But it really comes down to a service like Home Assistant to really make your smart home work! So please… :slight_smile:

I can gladly help testing with these components:

  • many Door / Windows contacts
  • multiple motion detectors
  • multiple Shutter contollers
  • Room Thermos for Floor heating
  • Thermostat
  • Smoke Detector
  • Twin Gard
  • 360° Indor Cam
  • Twist

So long story short: I now got the BSH Show House :wink:
Please let me know if I can help you with anything!
Thanks and best regards,

There are no last steps need, all works fine with this integration.
But you can add it now as a HomeKit Controller directly to HA. So, both ways work.

Frank, when you are saying

does this mean exclusively connecting the hardware to a HomeKit controller from HA? (“unpairing” it from BSH controller? I ask, because I found “HomeKit Controller” what seams to be doing exactly that. But I would very much prefere to keep the hardware within the Bosch eco system as well.

Also - as non developer - sadly I don’t know how to integrate the current solution into my HA as long it is not officially merged and offered as integration there. Do you have some Keywords or maybe a link to a documentation I can follow in such a case? It still would be super cool if this work would find it’s way into the official release of HA!

Thank you very much for your reply!

Load the newest Update to your Bosch Smart Home Hub. Then, you can add it to HomeKit. But don’t do it, when you start to add it to HomeKit, it will show you the Number you need to add it to HomeKit.

In this step, you will see your Bosch Smart Home Hub as a HoneKit Controller and you can add it to Home Assistant. That’s all.

Now you have all your Bosch Things in HA and in your Bosch App.

Thank you Frank!
that has worked. Now I am researching on how to integrate a shutter within the dashboard. But that is something I am optimistic to figure out myself.

Anyhow, once this integration here get’s merged into HA, I will prefre that over the HomeKit integration as it will than e.g. also support the thermos devices and others, that are not supported by HomeKit yet. Thanks very much for your help! :slight_smile:

You mean the Thermostats?

They are supporter and working.

But not using the HomeKit Connector - right? I have a Raumthermostat Fußbodenheizung, but you are right - most of my stuff does work this way. I don’t know if the Bosch API does support the Twist in any way?

Again: thank you for your help!

I think the room thermostat floor heating is not yet supported via homekit.

I was able to connect my controller via homekit (thanks Frank). However I only see the controller and door/window contacts in HA. It somehow doesn’t find the shutter controls. Any ideas how to make those work?



Hi Moe,

after integration with HomeKit Controller, I could find the entitys unter names like this: “cover.rollade_schlafzimmer_schlafzimmer” so the type is “cover”.

Maybe this helps?
Best wishes,

I have room Thermostate and Smart Plug from Bosch. Both show up in HA with the HomeKit integration.

Thanks for your replies. All of the shutter controls appeared overnight.

Now I hope Bosch will add the floor heating thermostat before winter :slight_smile:

Okay, are there any updates to the pull request? Or is integration via homekit now the way to go?

I strongly pledge to continue with the api integration, as Bosch has not done HomeKit Integration for all its devices and most importantly not it’s services (like the Alarm system). So the benefit for the closer integration would be quite key!


Review of the Bosch Smart Home Integration is in Progress.

If you are a developer yourself, I am quite sure that Thomas would not mind some helping hands… :slight_smile:


Hey there,
Thanks for going through the pain of getting boschshc merged to HA !
I was just replacing the first shclocal component with boschshc as the old component is generating some deprecation warnings in the logs and it seems to work fine with my thermostats.

I’m getting an error in the logs, though:

Error while setting up boschshc platform for alarm_control_panel
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 184, in _async_setup_platform
    await asyncio.shield(task)
  File "/config/custom_components/boschshc/", line 29, in async_setup_entry
    intrusion_detection_system = session.device_helper.intrusion_detection_system
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/boschshcpy/", line 121, in intrusion_detection_system
    return list(self._devices_by_model["INTRUSION_DETECTION_SYSTEM"].values())[0]
IndexError: list index out of range

It is relying on some intrusion detection device being present.
However, I’m only using thermostats so no luck there…


The update to 0.115 seems to have broken something:

Unable to prepare setup for platform boschshc.sensor: Platform not found (cannot import name ‘UNIT_PERCENTAGE’ from ‘homeassistant.const’ (/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/

Apparently it is now called “PERCENTAGE”

PR that changed it:

Why you dont try to use the Bosch as a Home Kit Controller?