Bosch Smart Home

I will try that, but I don’t see any benefit it the other solution works as well.
Have not experimented with homekit yet as I don’t use apple devices normally.

Are there feature differences for thermostats between the custom component and homekit?

can someone give me a hand to understand what I need to do to add this integration to my hassio installation?
I’m somewhat struggling where to put the code from the repos mentioned in the thread. Maybe that my home assitant knowledge is to limited.

Thanks in advance.

Hallo, ich möchte das auch einrichten.
Würdest du mich dabei unterstützen?
Ich hab Home Assitant (bereits in Homekit gekoppelt) und auch das Bosch Smart Home System.
Ich möchte es auch gerne über HA ins Komekit bekommen. Hab aber kein blassen Schimmer wie ich das hinbekomme.

You need to put the repo in the custom_components folder of your homeassistant installation:

Afterwards (and after restart) you can add the integration via UI.

However, you need to create a new client (with certificates) for the SHC that HA will use to communicate with the SHC. Just follow the Bosch guide and you’ll have everything needed to configure the integration afterwards:

Alternatively, you can use the Homekit integration which is easier to setup. For that you don’t need any custom component .

The boschshc’s climate device in HA offers 3 presets (eco, boost, none)…
I can switch between boost and none, but eco does nothing for me.

What is it supposed to do?

I’d expect it to go to the lower temperature defined in the Bosch app (17° in my case) but it does nothing. I can see it the API via Postman though, but not in the HA developer tools.

Hey folks!

Quick question: I am rebuilding a house from near-scratch (new everything, including floor screed, out with gas powered conventional heating, in with heat pump and floor heating etc) and I am eyeing with the Bosch System. Is the implementation based on intercepting API against Bosch central servers or is everything on-premises with the controller? IE, can the Bosch controller be queried on its own?

So if there is no internet or Bosch decides to shut down their “cloud”, are things still operable?

I have the Bosch System in operation for about three years now. In my case, that’s four thermostatic radiator valves, four window sensors and a smart plug. So far I’m quite pleased with it. Compared to other manufacturers, all Bosch components are rather big and ugly (especially the window sensors) but setup is easy and everything works pretty reliably.

The main advantage for me however, was, that the system can be operated completely offline. There is an option in the app, to control the system remotely via Bosch servers, but thats not required. If the Bosch cloud went away, there shouldn’t be any problems (except no more firmware updates of course). I operate my Bosch system in local mode only. If I need remote access, I connect via VPN.

The Home Assistant Integration also works on-premise by registering Home Assistant as a client on the Bosch Controller. Setting up the integration is a bit tricky right now, but works really well for me. Using the Homekit Inegration should ne much easier, but I never tried that.

I hope, this answers you questions :slight_smile:

Hi there,

thanks in advance for the good work of integrating the Bosch SHC to HA!
I managed to integrate my SHC and in the Entity-List I can see all Bosch original devices which are connected to SHC, e.g. the Rollershutter and I can control them well.

But what I can’t see are all my Zigee-Devices I have connected to the SHC (e.g. some LEDVANCE Lights). So is there anything I need to setup additionally?


Hi Chris,

I am far from beeing en expert - but I just wonder why you want to use the Bosch Bridge to bring those 3rd Party devices to HA? Wouln’t it be easier to just use the integrations for those devices directly?

Just something that pops into my mind.
Best regards,

Hi. Thnx for the integration. Works very well.

If it’s possible, I have a feature request. It would be great to:

  • see the “valve position” from 0 to 100%
  • connect external temperature sensor

I’ve figured out, that valve position is available as attribute of TRV state.
It’s also possible to use external temperature sensor. Wall thermostat should be used for this purpose.

After the renovation of our attic, I finally found time again to work on the integration. The work to migrate the custom_component as core_component in Home Assistant was more difficult than originally expected. But the tests are not failing anymore and the ball is in the HA core devs court again. The custom_component was also revised in the course of this work.

With version boschshcpy==0.1.15 the old boschshc integration must be deleted and reloaded as bosch_shc integration via the config-flow mechanism. These changes were unfortunately necessary to meet the review comments in PR.

Therefore the setup for newcomers is simplified. The configuration is now done completely via config-flow. If the BoschSHC is running in the same network as the HomeAssistant, it is even found directly via zeroconf.

If you have additional feature requests for the boschshcpy lib or the custom_component, it would be great if they are created directly as issues in the github.


Actually this is not planned. I think it is more robust to integrate devices from other manufacturers via the specifically designed integrations, e.g. Hue.

OK, but with your python-libs, it already finds the devices. So it seems there’s not much missing to get and set light state via HA.

Due to the SHC already supports Zigbee devices properly, I just don’t see the advantage in having a second bridge for the same purpose.

Here’s the partial output of with masked IDs

Device: hdm:ZigBee:f0d1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
   Name          : Couchlampe
   Manufacturer  : LEDVANCE
   Model         : LEDVANCE_LIGHT
   Room          : hz_1
   Serial        : F0D1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
   Profile       : GENERIC
   Device Service: BinarySwitch
     State: {'@type': 'binarySwitchState', 'on': True}
     Path:  /devices/hdm:ZigBee:xxxxxxxxx/services/BinarySwitch
     switchState              : True

Thanks chris for making the point more clear to me. I wasn’t aware LEDVANCE bulbs are supported without an additional bridge. So I added basic feature support for these bulbs in boschshc-hass/feature/ledvance_light. I will merge this to master if it fits your feature request.

As I don’t own LEDVANCE lights, I am missing additional information on setting color_temp, brightness, etc. I do not see an advantage in supporting Hue lights anyway, as you will definitly need a separate hue bridge and it would be duplicating the Hue HA component.

Hi there,
thanks for this very useful integration!
After setup the Bosch SHC via HomeKit-Controller I can find all my BOSCH devices also the motion detector. After checking in HA I it seems that I cannot find the attribute “lightlevel” in the motion detectors entity. But the BOSCH app seems offers the chance to setup the sensitivity of the sensor as shown here.

How can I change this values via HA so control at which lightlevel the sensor should be active?


Hi Jens,

The lightlevel cannot be controlled via the API (yet), so this cannot be changed from outside the official app. You can create an API feature request here, and if the API is extended, we can add this feature also to HA custom component.

Btw: If you setup via HomeKit Controller, you cannot use the features the Bosch SHC custom component provides you with, but you are limited to the features Bosch has enabled via HomeKit. However, I have not looked into the differences between the HomeKit and custom component feature set.

Regards, Thomas

Great Work!
What does: I can see and switch my lights on/off.
What does not: It has some problems showing the correct switch state if the light was switched off physically. I get a 503 device unavailable, but this state doesn’t reflect to the entity and card .

Regarding color change and light intensity, I did a bit research to the BoschSHC-API. So I did put some information to your git regarding light intensity which worked for me.

I can give you the output of all available services for this light device if you like.
Due to my lights have no color-service, I can only test the dimming.

Hi @tschamm,

I noticed that the PR introducing the zeroconf comment did remove the manual configuration example. I have troubles setting up your latest custom component and could use a hand here.

I suppose I still need to set up the Bosch Controller via Postman to register a new key pair, correct? Does this key pair still needs to be stored on the Homeassistant Device? I assume so, isn’t it?

Is there any tutorial how to use Postman under
I’m struggeling because I don’t know how to start Postman on / Home-Assisntant.

Many thanks.

Postman needs to be installed on your workstation not on hassio.
In general, any tool that can do HTTP requests works but postman is very user-friendly.