Brilliant Integration

Am I the only one that uses Brilliant switches? They are amazing and I am truly surprised that there is no HA integration yet given the countless number of seemingly more obscure integrations that have already been developed.

I guess you can take an alternative route by integrating it with Apple homekit and then feed it into home assistant?
I don’t own this product so I cannot test myself.

Pretty sure Brilliant stuff is just Tuya rebranded isn’t it? I think you should be able to use the Tuya integration

If you search the forum you’ll find a thread devoted to this.

That’s a different Brilliant.

As in this one which I used Tuya-Convert for back in the good days?

I assumed this

But the term “Brilliant” is ambiguous.

I have my Brilliant switches integrated through Homekit. There is very limited control essentially only to the light and power controls. No video, no control over any music service set through it or any other devices connected through it. But it works for tiring on and off the lights and fan. That’s about all I need it for… But to date this is the only thing I’ve found to work. Stoped searching a while back though.