Bring back HVAC mode buttons to the new climate cards in the default dashboard

The previous climate cards (pre 2023.12.0) had small buttons directly on the gauge chart with HVAC modes. Which was really nice, especially for TRVs, in case you need to manually turn them on/off. I didn’t need to open a dialog in order to see those.

I know I can add this as a feature of the card, but I can only do that in custom dashboards. On the default (autogenerated) dashboard I can’t turn those on. So I need to have a dedicated dashboard for TRVs. I do have it, but it sometimes it’s just faster to do it from the default one.

You sacrificed usability for design, which is never a good thing in my opinion. Personally I would much rather see those buttons directly on the chart than the target temperature, which now takes the most space on the card. But ok, that is my opinion, since I don’t care about the target temperature at all, it just needlessly takes up all the space. Someone else might find it useful.

Would it be possible to enable adding the HVAC mode feature to the default dashboard cards? Maybe as a global setting, in case it’s a problem to have independently configurable cards on the default dashboard.