Broadlink broken with 115

Awesome. Let us know if it works for u too.

note: if also using smartir the syntax has changed as well

old config:
  - platform: smartir
    name: TV
    unique_id: room_tv
    device_code: 1040
    power_sensor: binary_sensor.tv_power

new config:
  - platform: smartir
    name: TV
    unique_id: room_tv
    device_code: 1040
    controller_data: remote.rm4pro_remote
    power_sensor: binary_sensor.tv_power

note: ip is no longer used, u will need to provide your remote’s entity id

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Worked perfectly, thank you for this one!

my second broadlink device an rm4mini was unsupported when i tried to add it.

to fix it i had to first find my broadlink device id using the instructions by the developer:

install the python-broadlink library ( pip3 install broadlink ), open Python 3 and type:

import broadlink as blk
devs = print([([0], hex(d.devtype)) for d in devs])
devs ="", timeout=5) # Your device IP address
print([([0], hex(d.devtype)) for d in devs])

the output for my rm4mini was:

[('', '0x648d')]

i then had to modify:


and add this line for my device to be supported:

0x648d: (rm4, "RM4 mini", "Broadlink"), 

i was then able to add my device successfully and configure the sensors in smartir.

smartir new sensor config:
  - platform: smartir
    name: Mom AC
    unique_id: mom_ac
    device_code: 1060
    controller_data: remote.rm4mini_remote
    temperature_sensor: sensor.temperature
    humidity_sensor: sensor.humidity
    power_sensor: binary_sensor.ac_power
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I have upgraded to homeassistant 0.115, which changes the broadlink integration.

I have three broadlink RM Mini 3’s. One is configured by the new integration, but the other two don’t show up. When adding the others, the error shows Device not supported

Am I missing something? They are the same model. I’m not sure about firmware version as I don’t use the app.

Have you tried to manually add the other 2 devices?
Got to configuration -> click on the + orange icon - > broadlink -> type in the ip address of the other broadlink device

Yes. That’s when it comes up with the Device not supported error.

Only one was auto discovered.

I have upgraded to homeassistant 0.115

I am assuming you have updated to 0.115.2 ? If not try it and re add your devices.

Have you also read this open issue? An update is coming soon as stated in the latest post. They are gathering Broadlink device type and will be in the next HA update.

Yes, I’m on 0.115.2. I did have a look through the issues. I’ll keep an eye on the update being released.

Hello anyadubrova, how to go dir?


docker supervised install would have it in the homeassistant container under:


python venv:


never ran hassos but most likely also found at:

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Thanks for your help, but i can’t found site-packages in python3.7 image

I see 115.3 is out, but the change log doesn’t show any pertaining to broadlink. So it’s still not resolve for us using the older devices? Meanwhile, i had rollback to 114 and waiting in anticipation for the green light to upgrade.

@RY76 I would suggest asking for assistance here. Felipe advised me my version of the Pro+ is should have been fixed and I was being affected by a different issue related to having to NIC cards on my NAS. A fix for this is in the works.

I worked around it by unplugging my secondary network cable, running discovery which worked. Then plugged the cable back in. Since then it’s been working as expected. Not sure if you have the same issue, alternatively you might have a different version of the Pro +, turns out each model has lots of different versions!

I’ve updated to 0.115.4 and broadlink integration still not working.

So I installed 115 and moved my broadlink RM Pros over to the new integration setup. Unlike some unlucky ones, I changed over my scripts and got it working no problem and have been using it for various RF/IR systems. However… both my cars’ remote controls have suddenly stopped working all of a sudden. Works fine when away from home, but as soon as they are on the driveway, no worky anymore.

Trying to isolate the problem, I turned all the power off of my home and everything then worked fine. I then turned every thing on/used, one item at a time, and guess what was causing the problem…? My Broadlink. It seems to be flooding the 300mhz range pretty bad (car remotes are that range apparently). Everything is fine if I reboot it and not use it, but as soon as I open a blind or something, it then starts flooding.

Has anyone else experienced this? It could be a hardware problem and coincidental, but it has only really happened since 115. If it quacks like a duck…

Thanks. Worked for me exactly with this steps for Broadlink RM 2 Pro+.

Just regretting how some things have been losing functionality in the last few months.
The function of my ONVIF cameras (Hikvision) is now slow and only works with half the resolution (since 110 I think).
Now the Broadlink RM Pro + device with SMARTIR has broken.
I understand that it is a development carried out with great effort by the community, but breaking or worsening what was already built does not seem like a good idea.
With each new version more afraid of everything crashing and no real ease or functional gain.
Any possibility of integrations being built but maintaining the functions configured by configuration.yaml in parallel?

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It seems (IMHO) that the development team are highly focussed on making changes quickly and in great quantity, with no (or insufficient) attention to thought, testing and documentation before release. I don’t want to detract from the huge progress taking place, but maybe the time has come for a better balance?

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Click Configuration in the sidebar and click Integrations. Click the + icon in the lower right, enter the hostname or IP address of the device. Enter a name. FInally you can set your switches like before:

But remove ip, timeout and friendly name

  - platform: broadlink
    mac: MAC_ADDRESS
      - name: Philips TV
        command_on: JgAcAB0dHB44HhweGx4cHR06HB0cHhwdHB8bHhwADQUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=
        command_off: 'JgAaABweOR4bHhwdHB4dHRw6HhsdHR0dOTocAA0FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA='

Also you cant put friendly name in this section, you have to set on the customize.yaml:

  friendly_name: 'Estudio Power Button'
  icon: mdi:power-standby

I updated to 0.116 and broadlink devices are now able to be integrated. Presuming the broadlink python update added additional devices.

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