Broadlink has lost the configuration file

I have been trying to load Broadlink commands via the Actions (Remote: Learn Command) in HA Developer Tools. I used a couple of videos but the interface has changed since 2023 so I ended up with four commands on one command line and the fours hex commands similar. So in the process of fixing the storage/ Broadlink config file was deleted.

I found the two following support issues and they off no solution. The second one says to reinstall Broadlink integration and it will reinstall the storage/config file. That does not work as the config file is not recreated.

This link has no solution

Broadlink RM Pro - deleted file from .storage folder - Configuration - Home Assistant Community (

This link say you can just delete the Broadlink integration and a reinstall will recreate the config files. It doesn’t.

Broadlink config file modified - Configuration - Home Assistant Community (

Found another issue on the topic, but still no answers for question at Aug 22 – Heiblum

It goes on about Broadlink Manager on Windows. But I want to use it in HA

Broadlink inconsistencies - what the hell am i doing wrong now? (Broken again) - Configuration - Home Assistant Community (

Can anyone explain how I can get the Broadlink config file reestablished?

I have the latest version of HA running on a Pi.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


I gave up on Broadlink. Just bought the BOND hub and everything worked out of the box with no problems.