Broadlink Manager - Docker version

thanks. maybe it just doesn’t like docker on windows. I tried localhost and also tried getting the ip of the docker container using

docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' container_name

and then running


but still got nothing. sad face

Not fix yet for me :frowning:

I still haven’t got the docker working, but I did this instead to get the web-app running:

  1. Pulled the broadlinkmanager-docker repo from github
  2. created a virtual environment to run it in (py -m venv .venv)
  3. Start the venv (cd .venv/scripts/activate.bat)
  4. pip install flask, flask_restful and cryptography so they show up in the venv, not system wide
  5. run the code (py
  6. navigate to localhost:7020
    Boom! working web app. yay.

Unfortunately my RM mini 3 shows up as a mini, (type: 0x2737) and it is hopeless at learning IR codes.
No idea whether that is a fault of the hardware or a software bug, so, after 1/2 a day trying to get this sorted out, I’m giving up. I think I’ll just bin the whole idea and send the broadlink to landfill with the rest of my unfinished projects.

If HA can see your RM Mini3, you can use broadlink.learn in the services tab under developer tools to learn your IR codes. That is how I learn my IR codes. I am looking for a way to learn RF code since I cannot get broadlink manager to split out the codes.

I think broadlink has changed something in the newer firmware that prevent the BL manager to not function properly is my guess.

My apologies for the ignorance, but how do I install this software ? Im on a Mac!

try this link provided by slinkos to install BL manager on linux or in your case mac. I don’t have a mac but I think linux is just the same.

If you can run python 3.7+ on your mac (which I assume you can - I’ve never used a mac), then my you can download the broadlinkmanager-docker repo from github as I did and run the python directly after pip installing the pre-requisites (flask, flask_restful and cryptography).
Good luck!

Would you mind sharing some instructions? I try to learn some RF code, I’m told I was successful, but I’m stuck here:

What should I do next? Thanks a lot!

Same Here! No scanning at all, getting errors for UTF8 even with the PYTHONIOENCODING=utf-8 in my docker-compose and I can’t pass the Authentication as well. Getting 500 response. - - [29/Aug/2020 19:50:54] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [29/Aug/2020 19:50:55] "GET /img/broadlink.png HTTP/1.1" 200 -
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/werkzeug/ BrokenFilesystemWarning: Detected a misconfigured UNIX filesystem: Will use UTF-8 as filesystem encoding instead of 'ascii'
  BrokenFilesystemWarning, - - [29/Aug/2020 19:51:02] "GET /discover HTTP/1.1" 500 -

Please let me know what should I do?
I can’t make it scan my devices at all. thanks

No errors in my log, still I can’t figure out what should happen next…

Hi Everyone,
I have the same doubt. I installed on raspberry,
I was expecting when i press learn Read the IR and i can give a name to what command it is, and then save as .txt.

So far i am stuck :expressionless:

If someone could guide me :slight_smile:
Many Thanks to the developer!!

Like a few others trying to run this on Windows, I’ve found that I can’t access the web app when it’s running with network_mode: host. If I edit the docker-compose.yml and remove this line and instead add

 - '7020:7020'

…the web app comes up on localhost:7020, but it can’t find my Broadlink device…
Checking the Docker documentation at I see that “The host networking driver only works on Linux hosts, and is not supported on Docker Desktop for Mac, Docker Desktop for Windows, or Docker EE for Windows Server.”

Is there any way alternative way to run this in Windows, without using host networking?

Hi all - just to say I have followed @Matt_Swan 's instructions to install Broadlink Manager in a non-Docker virtual environment in Windows 10. Being a newbie to Python (as well as Docker) this took a fair amount of Googling! I now have it running perfectly - it has found my RM2 Pro Plus3 and successfully scanned an RF code.
Many thanks to @Matt_Swan and of course @Tomer_Klein

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@london_dad, So glad you got it working. Yeah, my instructions were a bit cryptic so I’m impressed to persisted to get it working! :grinning:

any suggestions for those like me who got the app working but get no results? thanks!

Hi all,
Sorry for disappearing a bit.
working on some fixes and adding new models.
will also fix the guide for installation on PI and addnig new guide for installation on windows.


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Anyone having this issue, I was having the same issue and realised that it was my chrome ad-blocker extension uBlock Origin stopping me from seeing the data.

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Good idea, will try it tonight. Very stupid of me for not thinking of it. I am using Opera with the built-in ad-blocker and I had a few similar issues in the past, Not so often to remember them when needed, though. Thanks!

UPDATE: It works! For Opera I had to disable both ad-blocker and tracker blocker. Thanks for your help!

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Hi all,
New version is up and running.
I have added logger for detaild info and made some bug fixing.

I have also updated the installation guide for raspberry pi Here and windows guide ia on the way



Thank you, really need the Windows guide, all other way find on youtube has failed.
All I need is learning two more RF code with RM4pro.
