Broadlink Manager - Nicer way to Learn and Send IR/RF commands

I’ve used this application in the past on my RM3 Mini and it worked great. But it will not discover my RM4 Pro.

I have a RM3 and the Broadlink Manager discovers the device , but it says writing compatible device not detected. I have a RM4 pro coming and I was hoping the manager will detect and learn commands.

If it does not work, I have found this Broadlink tutorial on learning codes both the mini and the pro versions. It states you do not need an Android phone to learn rf codes as well.

I saw that video. Why do you need Android? Seems that the guy in the video is using iOS. Anyway, I’m a bit confused by that video. When I add my RM4 Pro to the broadlink app, it connects to the cloud and it becomes impossible to add the Broadlink to Home Assistant. I had to reset my Broadlink, and only configure WiFi, and then cancel the rest of the setup, to be able to add it to Home Assistant.

While going back some posts in this thread, I see that there is a new version of Broadlink Manager with RM4 support, but it runs in Docker. And I have no idea how to install that. I was used to the Windows .exe application, that was very easy to use.

Is there any documentation or a manual for this?

Yes but I mean together with this tool, because I see you need to set certain settings to it. And I don’t know how to install the application in docker and configure it right.

Never mind I finally got it working, I found this:

This is dockerless and works perfect! Thanks a lot!

I am seeing the same issue. Broadlink Manager doesn’t stop scanning and my RM4 Pro doesn’t show up as an available device.
Do we need to put our RM4 Pro into AP Mode before trying to scan with Broadlink Manager?

I finally install the newer version of Broadlink Manager on a pi using the same tutorial you provided. Unfortunately, it still not working for me. When learning either type of codes, it just stuck on waiting. No codes, no errors. nothing. :frowning:

Hi duceduc,
Can you share how you added the RM4 Pro to Broadlink Manager?
I tried, but Broadlink Manager doesn’t stop scanning and my RM4 Pro is not recognized.
Did you put the RM4 Pro into AP mode before scanning?
Did you use this RM4 Pro with the Broadlink official app before trying to find it with Broadlink Manager app on Raspberry Pi?
I could use some help :pray:

I think your issue is that you added the RM4 Pro to the mobile app? Do not add the app after you connect to your wifi. HA and the Broadlink manager will not recognize it.
This is what I did.

Use the Broadlink app. Do not use the e-control or the ihc app. RM4 Pro needs to use the 1st.
Make sure you assign the rm4 pro with a static ip address in your router with its mac address.
Connect the rm4 pro to wifi via AP mode.
Once connected to your wifi, do not add the device to the app. Close out of the app. For me, I added the device to the app the first time and update the firmware. Then I started the process again by deleting from the app and reset the device.
Broadlink Manager should detect it now. I hope you will have better luck to learn the code after it is connected.

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I am unable to learn IR/RF codes via the Broadlink manager. How do we learn RF codes in HA. It states we can.

Thank you for the detailed explanation how to find the RM4 Pro in Broadlink Manager. I was able to find it on my system.
However, I’m also getting the same results like you when trying to learn an RF code. Broadlink Manager says the “RF Scan Completed Successfully”, but the app doesn’t show me the code. I just see the moving lines.

I’ve found another solution that may learn RF codes. I can confirm steps 1-5. I am able to add the device to the app while HA still detects it and is able to learn the code. HOWEVER, I just found out that my tv box remote is not transmitting RF. It uses bluetooth. Hope this solution will help you.

BTW: step 11 means that you will need to reset the rm4 pro after you learn all your rf codes. When you restart HA, the device will not be detect with HA any longer because you have added rm4 pro to the app.
So, delete rm4 pro device in the app. Reset rm4 pro and connect the device to wifi. I was wrong earlier that you need to connect rm4 pro via wifi and not AP mode. AP mode is fine and is faster. The key thing is not to add the device to the app once the device is connected to wifi. Just close the ap. Restart HA and use the codes.

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Thanks again :slight_smile:
To be honest, I’m trying to find the easiest way to capture the RF codes of 3 remotes, and later use the RM4 Pro with OpenHAB (not Home Assistant).
So I’m not sure this solution will work for me.

Hi All,

I’m a bit confused by this project. There seems to be a lot of different ways to install but none that work on an out of the box Raspberry pi image.

Is it available in HACS? Can it be installed on the image?


Hi All,

Im a complete noob with docker and im very confused on how to install this.

I have installed docker toolbox on windows 10 and then i downloaded the zip from github.

I copied the contents in the docker toolbox path and then i run the following command inside docker:
docker build broadlinkmanager-docker-master
But im getting the following error:

error during connect: Post http://%2F%2F.%2Fpipe%2Fdocker_engine/v1.40/build?buildargs=%7B%7D&cachefrom=%5B%5D&cgroupparent=&cpuperiod=0&cpuquota=0&cpusetcpus=&cpusetmems=&cpushares=0&dockerfile=Dockerfile&labels=%7B%7D&memory=0&memswap=0&networkmode=default&rm=1&session=gxgz7fbzgj0r4dpr2wix0564r&shmsize=0&target=&ulimits=null&version=1: open //./pipe/docker_engine: The system cannot find the file specified. In the default daemon configuration on Windows, the docker client must be run elevated to connect. This error may also indicate that the docker daemon is not running.

Im probably doing this all wrong. Can anyone help?

I bought two Broadlink RM mini 3 devices just recently (version 0x5f36 ), and have tried just about anything but haven’t got them to work. I mean, they do work if I add them via broadlink app, with that I can control my devices and also they learn IR commands, but outside of that, I haven’t managed to teach them IR commands that I can use in Home Assistant. I have tried HA integration, Broadlink Manger Windows program and now I also set up a separate Raspbian as I had an extra Raspberry Pi around, and installed Broadlink Manager docker there.

Windows version doesn’t even recognize the device, docker version does. But Learn command just don’t do anything until timeout.

Same thing with Home Assistant: I can use developer tools to launch learn_command, and when I do that, a white led lits up on my Broadlink, and it gives a notification to press button on my remote. But nothing happens when I press remote button, until timeout occurs again.

So, has anyone actually managed to get Broadlink RM Mini 3, version 0x5f36, to actually learning commands via Broadlink Manager or Home Assistant? Or, is this version of the device no good with HA?

-Windows version doesn’t even recognize the device, docker version does. But Learn command just don’t do anything until timeout.

Turn off any adblocker in browser and or Pihole if you have install. It worked for me once I did that.

So, has anyone actually managed to get Broadlink RM Mini 3, version 0x5f36, to actually learning commands via Broadlink Manager or Home Assistant?

What app are you using to connect the devices? I found out the iHC app works best to get the rm3 to connect to your wifi and later HA. The Broadlink app is flaky with the rm3. It may work and connected to HA. But once you reboot, HA, you loose connection to rm3.

I tried once again and this time turned adblocker off as well. My Pi has freshly installed Raspberry OS (20.8.2020 dated version) without any addons. When I have added my Pi, my Broadlink and my desktop computer to the same wifi network, Broadlink Manager can find the device:

But when I choose Learn IR command after pressing Actions, nothing happens.

I have tried adding BOTH my Broadlinks using IHC app, Broadlink app and Broadlink Manager windows app, and they all succeed adding my RM Mini 3 to my home network (as my router sees them and gives IP address), but whatever I do, I cannot learn IR commands, not with Home Assistant or with Broadlink Manager. Both sofware turn Broadlink led on and stay at waiting for IR signal, until timeout happens.

When I see Broadlink Manager’s supported device list, these are the supported RM Mini 3 devices:

  • 0x27c2, # RM Mini 3
  • 0x27d1, # new RM Mini3
  • 0x27de, # RM Mini 3 (C)

But as seen from my screenshot, my version is 0x5f36. That seems odd as all other devices listed are 0x27something, so either Broadlink Manager shows it wrong (how do you know which device you actually have?) or then this is yet another version and it cannot be controlled any other way than via IHC/Broadlink apps :confused:

I have the same RM3 as you.Try all the browsers you have install on your pc.

If HA detects the RM3, you have tried to navigate to developer tool and type in these settings to learn IR codes?

-I have tried adding BOTH my Broadlinks using IHC app, Broadlink app…

You don’t really need to add the RM3 to the app if you don’t plan to use the app. You just need the app to discover the RM3 to your router. Once that happens, close out the app and don’t add the rm3 to the app.I know for the RM4 Pro, once you add the device to the app, HA, Broadlink Manager will not detect it.