Hi there,
im trying to configure my first device with home assistant that is Broadlink RM Mini3 and having trouble so far. The switch simply doesn’t appear in the interface.
Here is my config (host and macaddress below are device’s ip address and mac address.):
- platform: broadlink
mac: ‘34:EA:34:E3:BC:F2’
friendly_name: ‘Big Screen’
command_on: ‘JgAyAXI5Dg4PKg8ODw4ODg8ODg4PDg8ODg4PDg8ODg4PKg8ODw4ODg8ODg4PDg8ODg4PDg8qDw4ODg8ODw4ODg8ODw4ODg8qDw4PKg8qDysOKw8NDw4PKg8ODyoPKw4rDisPDg4rDgAJmHI5Dg4PKw4ODw4ODg8ODw4ODg8ODw4ODg8ODg4PKw4ODw4PDQ8ODw4ODg8ODw4ODg8rDg4PDg4ODw4PDQ8ODw4ODg8rDg4PKw4rDisPKg8ODg4PKw4ODysOKw4rDyoPDg4rDwAJl3I5Dw4OKw4PDg4PDg4ODw4PDg4ODw4ODg8ODw4OKw8ODg4PDg4ODw4PDg4ODw4ODw4rDg4PDg8ODg4PDg4ODw4PDg4rDg4PKw4rDyoPKg8ODw4OKw4PDisOKw8qDyoPDg8qDwANBQAAAAAAAA=’
command_off: ‘JgAyAXI5Dg4PKg8ODw4ODg8ODg4PDg8ODg4PDg8ODg4PKg8ODw4ODg8ODg4PDg8ODg4PDg8qDw4ODg8ODw4ODg8ODw4ODg8qDw4PKg8qDysOKw8NDw4PKg8ODyoPKw4rDisPDg4rDgAJmHI5Dg4PKw4ODw4ODg8ODw4ODg8ODw4ODg8ODg4PKw4ODw4PDQ8ODw4ODg8ODw4ODg8rDg4PDg4ODw4PDQ8ODw4ODg8rDg4PKw4rDisPKg8ODg4PKw4ODysOKw4rDyoPDg4rDwAJl3I5Dw4OKw4PDg4PDg4ODw4PDg4ODw4ODg8ODw4OKw8ODg4PDg4ODw4PDg4ODw4ODw4rDg4PDg8ODg4PDg4ODw4PDg4rDg4PKw4rDyoPKg8ODw4OKw4PDisOKw8qDyoPDg8qDwANBQAAAAAAAA=’
Here is what i have in logs:
2017-09-08 08:49:42 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.switch] Error while setting up platform broadlink
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/Applications/Anaconda/anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/homeassistant/helpers/entity_component.py”, line 164, in _async_setup_platform
SLOW_SETUP_MAX_WAIT, loop=self.hass.loop)
File “/Applications/Anaconda/anaconda/lib/python3.6/asyncio/tasks.py”, line 352, in wait_for
return fut.result()
File “/Applications/Anaconda/anaconda/lib/python3.6/asyncio/futures.py”, line 244, in result
raise self._exception
File “/Applications/Anaconda/anaconda/lib/python3.6/concurrent/futures/thread.py”, line 55, in run
result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
File “/Applications/Anaconda/anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/homeassistant/components/switch/broadlink.py”, line 130, in setup_platform
File “/Applications/Anaconda/anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/homeassistant/components/switch/broadlink.py”, line 156, in init
self._command_on = b64decode(command_on) if command_on else None
File “/Applications/Anaconda/anaconda/lib/python3.6/base64.py”, line 87, in b64decode
return binascii.a2b_base64(s)
binascii.Error: Incorrect padding
I spent hours already trying to configure it so any help very much appreciated.
Hello… I very very very new to Home Assistant and I´m just curious about all that bunch of letters and numbers after the comand line… how do I get that string of characters???
@clauserg On the service tab in Home Assistant just click dropdown then select broadlink.learn_command_SHOULD_BE_THE_BROADLINK_IP Aim that remote and press the button to learn this will create a Persistent message in HA front end make sure you grab the complete message so also under the developers tool section click on the states page < > and copy that super long string.
I am having troubles with the broadlink platform as the switches are disappearing from the frontend everytime i add one new switch… i followed all instructions and the config is validated… i also added two == signs after the commands, but no success…
Old thread, sorry, but how do you present volume buttons in HA? In Openab using broadlink-mqtt, I was using a roller shutter control, which presents an up and down arrow, which worked well for volume and channels.
Am I right that in HA I need to use a switch? or two switches? Can they be presented “nicer”?
You could create a scene with the volume command and then use customize to display the icon you wish to use. If you would like an example of how this is done have a look at my repo.
I have 2x RM3 and 1x RM Pro+. RM Pro+ work great with all IR and RF devices added to HA. I got one RM3 working in HA but none of my second RM3’s entities are recognized in HA. I can confirm that the Mac address and IP are correct
I restarted and try to refresh several times but entities of my second RM3 are not getting added. All devices controlled via the second RM3 work with IHC and E-control app
Running HA ver 0.71 or latest
Much appreciate your help
My switches.YAML and Scripts.YAML attaches. I include the script in Groups and the call in front end
From the services tab there is a learn function in the available services if you have your mini loaded in hass already.
From there you should be able to get a persistent notification on the front end after the code is captured. It is easier to copy the string from the states tab though. I had troubles getting the whole string from the persistent notification.
Some tips…
Put the remote close to the mini.
Push the button once and quickly. (Holding a button sometimes got me duplicate codes or only parts of codes)
Explore the functions of your remote to get the best button codes to use. (On my amplifier choosing a source/input will also turn it on, and not off if on. This is a much more useful button than the power button for some automations. I only use power for off now)
I was succesful in adding the broadlink to my Home Assistant setup. I used the IR commands that were already in the e-connect app. Unfortunately the python script didn’t work with version 3, but in the github repository there is a pull request which adds support for v3 too.
I was wondering if it’s possible to add a switch without state. Buttons like volume up and down actually don’t have a state. So I’d rather have a button I can just press without HA turning it on or off.
how do you guys combine a broadlink with an actual remote?
the beauty with harmony hub, was that the remote always was in sync with the hub, always in the same activity also
so if you only have a broadlink hub? how do you guys still use a remote? a harmony i i think not possible, since the activity is not started, and you shut all devices down, if they were fired with a broadlink device
sono giorni che sto litigando con HA perchè non riesco a lanciare il comando remote.learn_command. Il bello è che riesco a dare un comando ir (fasullo )
all’ rm mini3 accendendo uno swich, ma non riuscendo a prendere i comandi giusti non so come fare.
ovviamente funziona perfettamente con l’app broadlink.
qualche anima buona saprebbe dirmi come fare?