Broadlink RM-PRO and A1 sensor

where do I change the

I am not sure I understand what you mean here. After you call the learn service, it listen for a packet for 20 seconds.

Could be solved by a script/automation. Then you can also customize the delay between each transmitt

Sorry, I mean when you execute the command, the IR emitter flashes too briefly, it should be longer. It barely picks up

We need consider that RM will learn the first 433 315 or ir signal it get…
If you have something emitting close to it… it will learn fast and stop the red light

RF is fine eitting, IR is too short emitting

I don’t know where to put this new file. There is no to be substituted in my .homeassistant directories

It should listen for 20 seconds or until it gets a signal, and I think mine is.

Sorry for not beeing clear. I don’t know for how long it listens. I think the signal is picked up well (I think). When I execute the command the broadlink device emits the IR (LED turning on) for a very short time.

Is like pressing the original remote for a very short time. The IR receiver of the projector, or whatever, does not pick it up because too short, I think

Yes… the original learning process learns as long as you keep pressing the ir button and reproduces the same time you pressed…
Could it be done the same way?

mmhhhh I pressed it a long time (like 5 seconds). But when is beeing executed the LED emits very shortly, I don’t know if emits for 5 seconds (as learned command) or less as it seems from the LED of the broadlink device blinking very shortly)

In any case the projector does not pick the signal (I need to press the original remote for some seconds to have it picked up)

version 0.35.xx is crashing randomly on mac, 0.34.xx with custom_components was working perfect.
You can crash it in few seconds by switching on/off two switches 10-20 times, also crashes via homebridge.

> INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event call_service[L]: service_data=entity_id=switch.socket_1, service=turn_off, domain=switch, service_call_id=4339826760-48>
> ERROR:homeassistant.core:Error doing job: Task exception was never retrieved
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.5/lib/python3.5/site-packages/homeassistant/components/switch/", line 148, in _sendpacket
>     self._device.send_data(packet)
>   File "/Users/mac/.homeassistant/deps/broadlink/", line 376, in send_data
>     self.send_packet(0x6a, packet)
>   File "/Users/mac/.homeassistant/deps/broadlink/", line 235, in send_packet
>     response = self.cs.recvfrom(1024)
> socket.timeout: timed out

@donev Try to increase the timeout in the config

Other smaller issue.

Since I have two broadlink, how can I get temperature from both?

  - platform: broadlink
    update_interval: 60
    mac: 'bxxf'
    name: Living Room
      - temperature

you answer to me? In case yes, wHere is this?

I don’t know, an iPad (acting as home kit hub) was not responding from outside the local network. So I restarted everything (rm pro, the mac where HA is running, the wifi router, the iPad, iPhones - even turn the water on and off :smile: ) now, the problem is gone… I spent hours last night trying to figure it out, but didn’t occur to me that it can be the iPad messing it all up.

In the same way that I learned you how to set up two switch devices earlier : Broadlink RM-PRO and A1 sensor

for me is also intermittent. I was not able to reproduce a pattern. Now after a full restart is not working …

Yes, i did a quick test, I can choose different device under service, it show up as learn_command_learn_ip_address1 and learn_command_learn_ip_address2, the learning functions work on both device, thanks for the quick rewrite.

By the way, have you got the code for fixing the copy and paste problem from the persistent notification? Thanks

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I am not sure how to fix that problem yet.
But currently you can get the same data from the log/console if you enable log level info for broadlink.

But I have a lot of sensors, do I have to rename them all (sensor 1, sensor 2?)

  - platform: yr
  - platform: netatmo
    station: Gilma
         - temperature
         - temperature
         - min_temp
         - max_temp
         - co2
         - pressure
         - humidity
  - platform: fitbit
     - "body/weight"
     - "activities/steps"
  - platform: openweathermap
    api_key: !
    latitude: !
    longitude: !
     - weather
     - temperature
     - wind_speed
     - humidity
     - pressure
     - clouds
     - rain
     - snow
  - platform: template
        friendly_name: 'Time'
        value_template: '{{ "%0.02d:%0.02d" | format(states("input_slider.alarmhour") | int, states("input_slider.alarmminutes") | int) }}' #- platform: mqtt
#### TIME/DATE ##################################
  - platform: worldclock
    time_zone: Europe/Rome
    name: 'Time'
  #  state_topic: "owntracks/tablet/tablet"
  #  name: "Battery Tablet"
  #  unit_of_measurement: "%"
  #  value_template: '{{ value_json.batt }}'
  - platform: broadlink
    update_interval: 60
    mac: '!0f'
    name: Living Room
      - temperature

# Broadlink living room
switch 1:
  platform: broadlink
  mac: 'b!'
      command_off: 'JgAcAB0dHB44HhweGx4cHR06HB0cHhwdHB8bHhwADQUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA='
      friendly_name: 'Asus router'