Broadlink RM4C (RM mini 4) with Home Assistant

To all.
I have RM4C mini and i configure it as a “remote” and all “remote.learn_command” and “remote.send_command” work well.
Step by step how i did it (hope this would be helpfull):

  1. Download Broadlink app from Google Play Market (
  2. Launch it and registration new account
  3. In main screen with 2 buttons press “+ add device”. Then Next
  4. Enter local WiFi password
  5. Factory reset my RM4C Mini by press on/off button for 6 secs.
  6. In app press Search. After that app start connect RM4C mini to my wifi.
  7. When it connected App request to add device . DONT DO THIS! Just close App.
  8. In Hass configuration.yaml add section
- platform: broadlink
  name: rm4_mini
  type: rm4c_mini
  mac: '24:DF:A7:4F:78:D3'
  1. Restart Hass
  2. And now you can use Services to learn and send commands
    Learn example:
entity_id: remote.rm4_mini
device: ac
  - turn on
  - turn off

Send example:

entity_id: remote.rm4_mini
device: ac
delay_secs: 2
  - turn on
  - turn off

how do you configure the wifi without the broadlink app, the ihc app does not know the rm4c

You can use the python app which is how I did it, but I have read that if you exit the broadlink app immediately after adding it to your network you can access it.

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I have learn from AC and I can send command (turn on and turn off), But How can I create a button to command the AC?

Where do you want that button?
Did you learn as a remote or switch?

I learn as remote.
But what I want to do is an Air conditioner control, like a thermostat (in the lovelace)

I don’t believe that is possible.
Does your current IR remote have a display?

Yes my remote have a display.
I’m trying with smartir, and set the RM4 as switch.
The only problem is due to climate config, when I add “platform: smartir”, the configuration.yaml tell me there is problem.
I think the problem is due to I have another platform in climate config.

IR is usually one way, but this makes me believe the AC sends back the temperature to the remote.

I don’t think you can pick that up with a broadlink.
If my guess is true then maybe you can build a ESPHome version of the broadlink that has both transmitter and receiver.
But you first need to establish if the AC has a transmitter.

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Or now that I think about it.
You can probably do it with just a ESPHome receiver.
Broadlink can still send the commands.

Use your phone camera at the AC and see if it transmits after you press the remote

I have upgraded my FW on the broadlink RM4C to V52075 and mine will not connect to broadlink manager…it recognizes and finds the port number, it also fails to connect in HomeAssistant 0.112.0

Looking for devices…
Found device : Unknown []
Writing compatible device not detected!

but that is as far as I can get…

Any brilliant minds out there…

I installed the script on my MacBook, reset the device and connected to the AP. Executing the rm_config scripts, resulted in the error that could not be reached.
I previously managed to assign the SSID to the rm4c mini via the app. I did reset the device according to the instructions.
The details show the right information (ip and mac address).
When adding the device to HA I receive the message: device is not supported.
I am running HA 2020.12.1
Any suggestions?

I also failed to connect the RM4C using official integration… I didn’t used Pedro’s tool - I tried but I failed to install and run it…

I managed to do this in part in a different way.

  1. Reset the RM4C to factory settings
  2. Connect it to Wifi using the official mobile Broadlink application. Careful: do not connect it to the Broadlink cloud!!
  3. Add manual configuration to configuration.yaml
    It should be something like:
  - platform: broadlink
    mac: 34:EA:34:AA:BB:CC
    name: RM4C
  1. Reboot HA
  2. The remote control works only with Node-Red for me - it does not work directly under HA
    From this video you will learn how to use it in Node-Red:

Important - you must insert the appropriate device code in the Node-Red configuration (this is shown in the video)

Thanks to the above RM4C operates in HA (Node-Red) - I can learn and send codes.

Unfortunately, I see errors in the logs concerning such integration (it writes that it is deprecated). But who cares? :wink:

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I’m a newbie to python. Do i download and install python, connect to device and then what do i do? Terminal emulation, or do i run this script localy on my Windows PC?

I am also not good in python.
I can only advise you to use this method:

Today I configured the RM4C mini in this way and it looks like it works without any problem (no additional entry in configuration.yaml is needed - after restart the device appears in standard HA integrations).

From what I see after reading the thread, the downside is that after updating HA, you have to re-edit this file (unless one of the HA developers finally adds it there permanently). Anyway, my RM4C Broadlink works :muscle: :grinning:

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Hi I have Broadlink RM4C and I have connected it to my Google home assistance. They is one issue, when I turn on my device say my TV from Broadlink app, the Google home app still says the TV is off, Why so and is there any solution?
Note, I am able to control the TV via Google Home app, just that the status is not getting updated automatically.

Is the device RF? If yes, then you have to fake the state out yourself.

Is it working now or not?

How do I configure the device with the app yet not have it connect to the cloud?

I found the solution to reconnect RM Mini 4 with Home Assistant

Setup RM mini 4 into AP Mode to connect with Broadlink app:
1- Long press the reset button until the blue LED is blinking quickly (like 7 seconds).
2- Long press again until blue LED is blinking slowly (like 14 seconds).

Configure RM mini 4 with Broadlink mobile application
1- Install broadlink app in your cellphone:
2- First Open Press plus sign (+) to open menu then press Add device
3- Press Add a new device then press Universal Remote
4- Select your RM Version then press Next (My case RM4 mini - 2019 version)
5- Press button to confirm you are already connected

Add Air conditioner to RM Mini 4
1- Press RM mini already configured then press plus sign (+) to open menu
2- Select AC Remote Full Display
3- Press Add appliance button

Unlock RM Mini and Get IP address for Home Assistant
1- Press RM mini already configured
2- Press elipsis sign (…) to open menu
3- Press property
4- Disable toggle with label Unlock device
5- Press Device information then get IP Address displayed into their corresponding section

Docker configuration
1- Install docker in Raspberry with script with curl

curl -fsSL | sh

2- Verify docker installation

docker --version

My Docker compose file

version: '3'
    container_name: homeassistant
    image: "homeassistant/home-assistant:2023.6.2"
      - /home/admin/Repos/domotic-server/container/config:/config
      - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
    restart: unless-stopped
    privileged: true
    network_mode: host
  • Start Home Assistant using docker-compose.yml

docker compose up -d

Home Assistant configuration

1- Navigate to http://localhost:8123/ in the raspberry or http://<raspberry.pi.ip.address>:8123/
2- Let Home Assistant to autodetect your location
3- Add Broadlink integration and set RM mini’s ip address given by broadlink mobile application
4- Click the device labeled with Chinese characters then click the gear icon and finally set a better readable name (My case RM Mini 4)
5- Stop Home Assistant Container from domotic-server directory with command: docker compose down
6- Clone repo GitHub - smartHomeHub/SmartIR: Integration for Home Assistant to control climate, TV and fan devices via IR/RF controllers (Broadlink, Xiaomi, MQTT, LOOKin, ESPHome)
7- Copy custom_components into container/config directory generated by docker
8- Open container/configuration.yml then paste example configuration, below existing configuration
9- Set name and unique_id with values set on Broadlink mobile app for the Air Conditioner device

# put below Home Assistant existing configuration in container/configuration.yml


  - platform: smartir
    name: <Name of the device defined in the app>
    unique_id: <name_of_the_device_defined_in_the_app_separated_by_underscore>
    device_code: 2100
    controller_data: remote.zhi_neng_yao_kong

# For further information visit