🔹 Browser_mod - turn your browser into a controllable device, and a media_player

The directions are very detailed and in the docs provided by Thomas. After installing, you need to add the player to a view and the I.D. will show.

Thank you.

Yep, I tried it that way as well and still no Joy…


Make sure you have cleared your cache, start with no deviceID, and start with a simpler command, like blackout or navigate. Does the media player for the browser show up in your entities list?

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Yes, the media player shows up. That’s how i got the device_ID.

also nothing in the logs…

That works for me:

  "command": "popup",
  "title": "Popup example",
  "card": {
    "entity": "camera.front",
    "type": "picture-entity",
"camera_view": "live"
  "deviceID": [

How and where can be found the device ID?

Ok, maybe itis catched :slight_smile:
I tried this script without any result:


Device ID’s have no underlines in it. Use a hyphen.

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I have tried this too but doesn’t work:

  alias: New Script
  - data:
      command: navigate
      deviceID: '2a748c19-65110740'
      navigation_path: /lovelace/1
    service: browser_mod.command

If you look at the examples in the docs, the deviceID is always a list.

  alias: New Script
  - data:
      command: navigate
        - 2a748c19-65110740
      navigation_path: /lovelace/1
    service: browser_mod.command

I tried both ways and could not get it to work.

I have added a debug command that displays the deviceID in release v0.1.4.


It is working now, thank you!

Have a look. I made a series of tweets about this topic with a step-by-step guide:

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Tried the debug in dev-service to find the deviceid, but got info about “sun.sun” after hitting the set state button…

EDIT: strange, seems to work correctly now

that is a strange one, I have the same thing on one of my PCs. I can send a screen popup to two machines and on one I get the expected result the other i get sun.sun.

Try to clear cache (CTRL-F5) on every PC.

Not sure what i’m missing.
i cant find the device id, i did clear the cache, i’m trying thru services to get the id as “Rikkie80” have suggested above but no response when i call the service, any suggestions?

Actually I did that, but I work on a half dozen desktops and being early I didn’t see or remember the 5 extra browsers I had open on other desktops… doh :face_palm:

working now