šŸ”¹ Browser_mod - turn your browser into a controllable device, and a media_player

pardon meā€¦ forgot to go there. my bad.

Just upgraded browser_mod to release 29 and pop-ups are working again, thanks @thomasloven

After upgrading to 0.111 I needed to clear my cache on my tablet fully kiosk browsers. No problem there and Iā€™m back up and running. Thank you for the quick fix / updates.


After clearing the cache in my fully kiosk browser the deviceID changed. In order to correct that I had to update my configuration.yaml in Home Assistant. To get that to be updated and used I had to restart Home Assistant. This would be fine but my Z-Wave takes 15 minutes to come back online.

Two things:

  1. If I purchase a Plus license for fully kiosk browser will the licensing become broken if I clear the cache on the device?

  2. Is there a way for me to update the device aliases in configuration.yaml without restarting Home Assistant? My automations use the alias. In the example below my auto notifications are setup in a group.

      name: office_panel
  name: Panel Announcement Group
    - media_player.office_panel

thank you

The deviceID really isnā€™t meant to ever change in FKB, can you check if you get the same DeviceID as the one displayed in the FKB settings?

The deviceID in fully kiosk browser settings is Device ID e8a2438-f7288463

I test in Home Assistant by toggling the Light. I am able to control the device in Home Assistant using b1a7c97c-0b3a9454

I am not sure where the disconnect is. I have had this problem since I first started using fully kiosk browser. I just today realized that it was a problem and the fully kiosk device id should not change.

Thanks for the help.

Iā€™ll try to charge my old android tablett and see if I can reproduce this.

I can reproduce this with Chrome on Windows 10 and also fully kiosk browser on an Amazon Fire tablet that has been slicked with LineageOS.

I guess Chrome is understandable since clearing the cache on that would create a new device ID.

I need them to come out with fully kiosk browser for Windows!!

hey, iā€™m trying to set this add on via hacs, but canā€™t find it when i search by name, if i want to add the repository i get the following message: Repository ā€˜thomasloven / hass-browser_modā€™ exists in the store.

Is this and known problem? I prefer to work with hacs to keep up to date with updates etc. Or do I just overlook something and make a stupid mistake?

cheers and tnx for the help!


Hello guys, just found out this awesome custom component! Thanks a lot for the developement :slight_smile:
Iā€™m trying to achieve something with HA.
I want my automations to be able to automatically play/ pause any media that is playing in chrome browser on my PC, so that I can pause youtube video if I get a phone call for example :slight_smile:
Iā€™ve tried the media component of this custom component, unfortunately it doesnā€™t seem to be able to control media on other chrome pages? Do you think I might have setup something wrong?

A nice feature of chrome browser is this button:

Thatā€™s not possible with browser_mod.
The browse_mod player is just an audio player running in the Home Assistant frontend. It canā€™t control other things on your computer.

Firt of all, Thanks for making this awesome component.

iā€™m trying to get the popup card working. followed the instructions on github and at a moment it worked. But then i changed something in the card config and now i canā€™t get it back to work.
iā€™m definetly missing something in the config.

this is my card config.

aspect_ratio: 4/1
entity: media_player.spotify
name: Play Spotify
  action: call-service
  service: browser_mod.popup
      - cards:
          - entities:
              - entity: input_select.spotify_playlist
              - entity: input_select.spotify_speakers
            title: Spotify Test Card
            type: entities
          - aspect_ratio: 4/1
            entity: script.spotify
            icon: 'mdi:spotify'
              action: call-service
              service: script.spotify
            type: 'custom:button-card'
          - conditions:
              - entity: media_player.spotify
                state_not: idle
            type: conditional
          - card:
              artwork: full-cover
              entity: media_player.spotify
                controls: false
                power: false
                progress: false
                source: true
                volume: false
              info: scroll
              style: ''
                action: more-info
              type: 'custom:mini-media-player'
        type: 'custom:stack-in-card'
    title: Spotify player
      - this
      - dashboard
type: 'custom:button-card'

It is based on this:

aspect_ratio: 4/1
entity: media_player.spotify
name: Play Spotify
  action: call-service
  service: browser_mod.popup
        - light.bed_light
        - light.kitchen_lights
        - light.ceiling_lights
      type: entities
      - this
      - dashboard
    title: Popup example
type: 'custom:button-card'

Which is also not working.

can someone help me to check the code?

I think the answer is no but can you use browser mod with a google home hub to turn the hub to home assistant when motion is detected? I canā€™t seem to see the hub as a binary sensor but have the others which is why Iā€™m thinking it might be noā€¦

Hi Thomas - does this DEFINITELY work? Because now it turns out itā€™s not just me - thereā€™s another chap who never managed to get it to work either. Just wondering. LOVE the card and what you do but just wondering if thereā€™s maybe an undetected bug here? :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I donā€™t use browser_mod myself, and havenā€™t actually tested it for a very long time.
Itā€™s quite possible that something has broken about the hack that makes - this work.

You could try deviceID: this instead, until I have time to fix it. Thatā€™s a bit more stable.

Can someone who is using fully kiosk browser try something for me?

Iā€™m solving for a discrepancy between the deviceID shown within fully kiosk browser and what is shown in my Home Assistant configuration.

When I clear cache on my fully kiosk browser the device id changes in Home Assistant. It remains the same in fully kiosk browser.

This is a problem as I have to restart Home Assistant to capture the new device alias whenever I clear cache on the device.

I can duplicate this personally on amazon FireOS, LineageOS both with fully kiosk browser installed.

The deviceID is shown in fully kiosk browser here
Settings / Other Settings / Device ID

thank you

One of the android app on a tablet doesnā€™t seem to be working. When I do browser_mod.debug from the developer tools from my PC browser, my PC browser and mobile phone (android app) will get a popup with the device ID.However on the tablet (android app) nothing is popping up. When I go into the developer tool on the tablet (Android App), and do browser_mod.debug it will cause the popup to showup on every other device except for the tablet. Iā€™ve tried reinstalling the app, clearing the cache and data but nothing seems to be working.

The only working thing is that if I use a browser(firefox) on the tablet will I see a popup.

Other notes: Android app is using the most up to date app, Tablet android OS: Android 7.1.1

Does anyone have any solution to the problem of the android app not showing a device id popup when I do browser_mod.debug ?


This tablet did not have chrome browser installed, which made the app not work with browser_mod. After enabling it I can see the deviceID now.

Does anyone know how you first CHECK the current path before ā€˜navigatingā€™ ? I know how to read the path

{{ state_attr('sensor.7d8111b8_a8211111', 'path') }}

but I donā€™t know how to assess/compare in a template/condition

