🔹 Browser_mod - turn your browser into a controllable device, and a media_player

Which commands are supported , e.g. refresh, clear cache and so on?

@thomasloven I love this integration, but I have 2 questions for you;

  • browsermod also seems to work with the companion app. Will access through the cloud generate a different device ID compared to local access?
  • Can you please enable browsing to external URL’s? Let me explain: it would be great to be able to open a site/app when I perform an action in Home Assistant. For example: “Watch Netflix” would switch on my tv and so on, but also open the Netflix app on my phone.

Those that are described in the readme.

I’m not sure, actually… on a normal browser I think it would, but on the companion app I’m not certain…

I’ll see what I can do about external urls.

Can you run the service from Nodered

I don’t use Node Red myself. Can you normally run Home Assistant services from it?

I have an issue with internet access devices .means I cannot send any sound to a device which is connected via internet to home assistant front end .player is showing idle bit no sound coming out

I tried it and yes it will work.

Great mod, installed via HACS and it’s working well so far. Question about my use case though (or if it’s even possible). I want to be able to listen to my Amcrest camera’s audio feed via my browser on my Pixel phone. I see my deviceID set up in HA, and successfully tested getting a popup of the feed on one of my cameras via the dev-service menu. Is there a way to get the audio from that camera to play on the browser? That was the last functionality I was missing from using the camera’s app. I assume it would have to be an automation of some kind…

Quick question. I needed to uninstall the plugin to prep for another change however, there is a service call being made to update browser_mod every few minutes. How do I stop this?

Clear the cache of all browser which have had your interface open while browser_mod was installed.

Thank you very much!

I updated from v5 to v8 and an issue popped up, (no pun intended, :joy: )…
The the sizing of the popup itself, here:

(right side and bottom shifted)
maybe because of scroll bar that isn’t visible here :point_up_2:t2: ???

If so… can an option like scroll: false be added so the scroll bar can be hidden except where needed? (would be very useful for aesthetics, as that looked rough when I tried the release before it was pushed to HACS and found it disfiguring in cases where it wasn’t needed)

Also… this has been an ongoing error since I migrated to browser-mod scripted popups, I added this:

    - service: browser_mod.command
        command: close-popup

before each popup to ensure that one did not open over another one. Assuming that causes the error below when there is not a popup open…

:8123/browser_mod.js:56:2919 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'close' of undefined

…is there a work around for this? :thinking: I’ve tried to omit the close command prior to opening a new one, but that always ends up with multiple different problems when trying to display the newly opened one. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: @thomasloven

EDIT: I also reverted back to v5 and it corrected the issue.

I knew it!



:man_shrugging:t2: it’s still an amazing accomplishment and you’re the best at what you create IMO, but… :no_mouth: You called it :see_no_evil::hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil:

Buying this dude a coffee… probably a few!


Well, before asking my question I want to say thank you to @thomasloven for this great custom component.
Now, back to work :grinning:
All my browser_mod setup seems to be ok.
I found my 4 device ID and given them an easy name.
I see them in my “unused devices” and the given name has been correctly assigned.
To be on the safe side I used the developer tools to send out a debug command and all 4 received it and showed their right deviceID.
At this point I built an automation to navigate to a given page when an event occurs.
Fine… it works perfectly
Here is the screen printout of the lower part of the working automation:

All devices switch to the right page when the automation is triggered

Next step… I tried to send the navigate to a single device… and here is how I modified the automation:

When this automation is triggered nothing happens … no errors no navigation to the desired page.

Of course I tried in several different ways, (deviceID, easy name. with dash, without dash) always within the limits allowed by the user interface, No way

If it may help, here are the automations as I find them in automation.yaml:

What am I doing wrong?
Thanks for listening


deviceID is supposed to be a list. Yours is a string.

Thanks a lot Thomas.
I thought I had already tried all the combinations but reading your guide pushed me to try in a way that I probably skipped before:
“command”: “navigate”,
“deviceID”: [
“navigation_path”: “/lovelace/cameras”

Now I wil have to understand why when I change the self generated deviceID with the easy name the automation won’t work:
“command”: “navigate”,
“deviceID”: [
“navigation_path”: “/lovelace/cameras”

I’ll try to read again and with more care your guide, but should you have a hint, please let me know
Thanks again

Example of alias used in service call: https://github.com/thomasloven/hass-browser_mod#more-info