šŸ”¹ Browser_mod - turn your browser into a controllable device, and a media_player

Hi Chris

Thanks for the reply. I had read this information in the Doc. I just donā€™t know where to insert them in the automation

Ah, ok. Does this work? (I have to admit Iā€™ve never tried it myself!)

  - id: '1642017204324'
    initial_state: true
    alias: System - Dashboard - Display Doorbell Cam
    description: ''
    condition: []
      - service: browser_mod.popup
          large: true
          auto_close: true
          title: TĆ¼rklingel
            $: ".mdc-dialog__surface {\n  background: transparent !important;\n  border-style:\
              \ none !important;\n  border: 0px !important;\n  box-shadow: none;\n}\n"
      - alias: "Wait 20s"
        delay: 20
      - service: browser_mod.close_popup

I just installed browser mod. I read the doc and now Iā€™m trying out some things:

It seems popups only work over secure (HTTPS) sessions. So, it works over my Nabu Casa account, but not over a local (HTTP) connection. Is that intentional?

Iā€™m trying to rename entities using

  prefix: "browser_mod_"
    - media_player
    - camera
      name: fire_hd_8_blue_fully

Iā€™ve restarted HA a couple times, but it never renames the entities. Is that still functional or is something wrong with my syntax?

Not for the life of me can I get the alias working. Itā€™s like a catch 22. When I access Lovelace from a client, all three devices/entities gets created with the deviceID. In my case light.browser_5697e4d9_ee89c964. When I add name: in the yaml file, it does not change the devices or entities to remove the deviceID.

In reading the following issues link, it states that you cannot change the name of already created entities. It recomends changing the deviceID. But upon doing so, it creates a NEW entitiy with the deviceID, hence putting you back in the same loop.

How are you supposed to change the name of the entity?

Iā€™ve install Browser_mod from HACS
added ā€œbrowswer_mod:ā€ to configuration.yaml

trying to launch:

service: browser_mod.popup
title: Popup example
large: true
hide_header: true
auto_close: true
time: 20

and nothing happend, no popupā€¦

Can someone help me?

ā€œfrom HACSā€ means only in HACS or on HA integration page as well?

[quote=ā€œChenH, post:1457, topic:123806, full:trueā€]
Install on HACS.
I see several entities on the integration page but they all ā€œUnavailableā€

I tried to reinstall browser_mod, clear browser cache and still no popup

Can you always paste as code?

And secondly, can you please test such an example in developer tools?

service: browser_mod.popup
  title: Popup example
    type: entities
      - light.bed_light
      - light.kitchen_lights
      - light.ceiling_lights

Paste the code,
Press ā€œcall serviceā€
It gives me green ā€œVā€ and nothing more, no popup

Please share the relevant part of configuration.yaml

just added there (configuration.yaml):


Then unfortunately I have currently no other idea. Refresh Browsercache? Or try another clean browser directly?

thanks a lot.
Iā€™ll keep trying :slightly_smiling_face:

Could it be that what is missing in the config data is the deviceID: browsermod-device-id-or-alias that will tell browsermod which device you want the popup to appear on.

No. Working without.

Might be a stupid question,

Why does the popup card for more-info only works on local network but not when your outside of local network?

When i use my phone(android) on local network the popup card shows up, but when i turn off my phoneā€™s wifi and try to use the popup more info it does not show up.

To follow upā€¦it seems that there are quite a few issues since 2022.5. Now that Iā€™m confident about my syntax, here are the things Iā€™ve observed as a new browser_mod user:

  1. Camera entity enabled without camera: true specified in the configuration. In the case of this device, I donā€™t mind, but itā€™s still a bug.
  2. Integration page currently shows 3 devices and 4 entities, but with my configuration should show 3 and 7 (3 * (light + sensor) + binary_sensor) or 8 if counting the camera from (1) above.
  3. If I clear out the integration filter and search all entities for ā€œbrowser_mod,ā€ I get 17 entries including all of the 3 missing sensors from (2) and the binary_sensor for my fully kiosk browser. The rest appear to be a mix of restored entities for which I have not yet set an alias, butā€¦
  4. The browser_mod prefix seems to work for some entities, but not others. I know that it wonā€™t work for entities with an alias, but see (5).
  5. The alias name seems to work for some entities, but not others.

@thomasloven Do you have everything you need to troubleshoot these issues? Like I said above, I think theyā€™re covered one way or another by current GitHub issues. Also, along with an alias entity_id, is there a way to change the friendly_name of each entity via the configuration? Thank you.

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Is it possible to get the read deviceID of the current browser in a Javascript Template on a lovelace card ?

Did you ever find a solution to this?

Is it possible to make the pop up on mobile not take the entire screen?