šŸ”¹ Browser_mod - turn your browser into a controllable device, and a media_player

Typo in the documentation. It should be

style: |
  --popup-background-color: transparent;
  --popup-border-color: transparent;

Weird question, can I have more than one cast device from browser mod? I was hoping to be able to cast a video message to everyone like a video group chat kinda thing for important information.

Yes, but they will all act as one.
Thereā€™s no way to uniquely identify a certain cast device.

Huh. Theirs no option to register cast device once I already registered one that I can see.

exactly what I was looking forā€¦ I want to use my Nest Hub as a Browser-mod target for camera pop-ups.

By The Wayā€¦
I am really liking V2 !!

I am clearly missing somethingā€¦ I have upgraded to v2 and got my pop-ups working again for the tap-action events; but I canā€™t get my automations working again. I have tried several approaches. The last approach leads to an error in the log. I have also tried without the ā€œaction: fire-bomb-eventā€ and ā€œbrowser_mod.ā€ Any suggestions?

  action: fire-dom-event
    service: browser_mod.popup
         title: ...
         content: ...

fire-dom-event is only for use from the frontend.

From the backend you call the services exactly the same way as all other services.

service: ...
data: ...

For those that use an automation (i.e. from the backend) to call browser mod popup and want to popup a specific Lovelace card, I thought I would share my experience.

In the example below:

  • the lovelace card is named custom:sip-doorbell.
  • The target device/browser is named Lenovo_Tablet. At my Lenovo Tablet where I use FKB browser, I went into the new ā€œBrowser Modā€ control panel, and you should see the Browser ID show up as a random number. Register the device. I then changed the Browser ID to Lenovo_Tablet. To confirm this works, I went to the developer tool (do this on another device) and turned the light.lenovo_tablet_screen off (then on) and saw the Lenovo Table FKB screen actually did turn off (then on).

To activate the popup:

      - service: browser_mod.popup
          title: Front Doorbell
            type: custom:sip-doorbell
            <sip-doorbell card parameters here>
            - Lenovo_Tablet

To close this popup, I use:

      - service: browser_mod.close_popup 
            - Lenovo_Tablet 
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Is there anyway to hide the header on popups like in v1.x?

Hi there, after update to 2.1 I cannot use popups within custom button cards.
Popups on native button card works well but wit custom button card it shows only empty popup.
Anybody experience something similar?

Works fine for me, maybe share your code so we can take a look at it.

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So Iā€™m using the new browser_mod 2.0 which works great in showing my Nest doorbell when pressed on my wall tablet (using WallPanel 0.9.5-beta.9). The only issue is that when WallPanel activates the screensaver, the browser_mod popup action does not wake up the screensaver to show the picture entity. Any way to have browser_mod wake up the tablet or is this a WallPanel issue?

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If I had conditional styles e.g. like

  action: fire-dom-event
    command: popup
    title: Licht
    large: false
    style: |
      @media (min-width: 812px) {
        :host .content {
          width: 90vw;
          height: 80vh;
      @media (min-width: 1400px) {
        :host .content {
          width: 75vw;
          height: initial;

in version <2.x, how can I do this in 2.x?

In the old browser mod we could force certain deviceID by adding


at the end of the url. I wonder - is this still possible? Thereā€™s nothing written about that. I use this type on all my tablets to ensure i always get same ID, no matter what.

For some reason, not all the popup style properties from documentation are working for me, but most of them are.
Please see below, I use them as part of the theme, do define in one place for all.

      # popup
      popup-background-color: var(--primary-background-color)
      popup-header-background-color: var(--google-red)
      popup-border-radius: 0px
      popup-border-width: 1px
      popup-border-color: var(--ha-card-border-color, var(--divider-color, #eee))

All are actually working except the below 2:

  • popup-header-background-color
  • popup-border-radius

Not sure why. I also tried to put them directly to one of the popups, under style. Same there.

Iā€™m having a Nest Hub that I want to register as a CAST device. Therefor I configured the ā€œRegister CAST deviceā€ option as described here, but that is somehow not working. In the registered browsers section ā€œCASTā€ is reporting ā€œLast connected: Neverā€. Did I overlooked something on the configuration? A reboot or stopping/starting the lovelace cast did not help until now.

Iā€™ve been using browser_mod for some time on a Lenovo tablet with WallPanel. One of the scenarios was to play some media on the tablet (eg. doorbel sound) or different TTS announcements using the media player from browser_mod.
After updating to 2.0 I cannot get the media player from WallPanel to work. Itā€™s always unavailable.
All other entities are working as expected. I opened HA in chrome directly and registred as new device and the media player works.
Any idea what might be the issue?

Is it possibile to display (in Lovelace UI) the same pop-up for a series of entities? To be clearer: I have a series of shutters in a picture elements card, and Iā€™d like to show a pop-up with state ando command for all the shutters when I click on any of them.
Can I manually input a list of entities that I want to change the more-info po-up or do I have to make n copies of the same card and assign that to the shutters one by one?

I tries this (not that I expected it to work):

type: custom:popup-card
  - entity: cover.t_sala_destra_cover_1
  - entity: cover.t_sala_sinistra_cover_1
dismissable: true

I have a similar scenario, where I run a tablet with the companion app as alarm clock and play a sound when its wakeup time. What do you mean with other entities? Light and sensor or media_players on other devices?

Lights and sensors from the tablet are showing up and work as expected.
On other devices (eg. mac with HA in browser) also media_player is working,

Screenshot 2022-09-05 at 13.42.01