šŸ”¹ Browser_mod - turn your browser into a controllable device, and a media_player

Did you read the quickstart, mainly this part is critical to verify. Otherwise it will be impossible for popups to show.

  1. Make sure the ā€œRegisterā€ toggle is checked.
    2.This is required in order to enable backend services to target this browser.*

Quickstart:GitHub - thomasloven/hass-browser_mod: šŸ”¹ A Home Assistant integration to turn your browser into a controllable entity and media player

If you see a popup, then it works and make sure you follow the correct parameters like here: hass-browser_mod/services.md at c46fcf222bb9b8a893af9d5f0612576359e24f10 Ā· thomasloven/hass-browser_mod Ā· GitHub

If you donā€™t see a popup after the Quickstart steps, then your setup isnā€™t correct and you need to check again, or re-install and start fresh.

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I thought I did @ASNNetworks , but apparently I missed it. Thank you for pointing it out! I was still basing my knowledge on an old reply to my question in this thread, ā€œIf you want to popup on the current device, you are using, you donā€™t have to register.ā€. Obviously itā€™s more complicated than that.

Thank you again for your help!

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Iā€™d been having all kinds of screwing things the past month or two with my various Amazon Fire HD10 tablets beyond the BM media player no longer working. One tabs sleep even though Iā€™m running Fully Kiosk (or Wall Panel HACS). Others stop updating the Lovelace time unless you refresh. Finally gave up and restored to a backup from a few months ago, before BM 2.0. I then deleted the BM 1.0 HACS & integration, and manually deleted any BM entities and devices in .storage.

After a couple of days of no issues, I installed BM 2.0. Before, I would use the same name in BM as the device system name (i.e. nightstand). Iā€™m not certain if this contributed to the BM media player issues, but in BM I now use unique names (i.e. nightstand_BM). Hope Iā€™m not jinxing it, but after a few days, all is still working perfectly.

BTW, Iā€™m not blaming BM for the general oddities.

is there a way to change the position of popup window?

action: fire-dom-event
  service: browser_mod.popup
      type: custom:vacuum-card
        .: |
          ha-card {
            --vc-background: rgba(0,0,0,0.0);
            --vc-toolbar-background: rgba(0,0,0,0.0);
            --vc-spacing: 5px;
      entity: vacuum.maniek

Iā€™ve been using the camera entity provided by browser_mod on a wall mounted tablet running Fully Kiosk Browser. For a while now the camera image is way out of date. I wouldnā€™t mind if it were minutes but sometimes the image can be a day or more old.

I feel like there used to be troubleshooting tips for this somewhere on the github pages, like settings in the app, but I canā€™t find anything now. Any pointers?

How to make it so that if you open the browser_mod on the PC, the cards are horizontal, but on the phone they are vertical?

How do I make

  action: call-service
  service: browser_mod.popup

open only on device I actually tap the entity?
In my case popup opens on all registered devices/browsers.
Thatā€™s inconvenient.

Did you ever find a solution for this? I have 198 Browser_mod entities that I would like to delete.

I found that often when i open a card with popup card, it opens kind of weird.

For example, this is a plotly card.
Has anyone else experienced this?

Forgot to paste code.
This is a Plotly Graph card, but it doesnā€™t matter what card i use.

type: custom:popup-card
entity: sensor.total
title: Steps
dismissable: true
  type: custom:plotly-graph
    - entity: sensor.total
      statistic: state

I canā€™t seem to get the camera on my android tablet working through Browser Mod. The tablet shows up, I can control itā€™s screen brightness so the rest is working. Itā€™s turned on in the Browser Mod tab and does show up as an entity.
The camera works fine using the Android IP Webcam integration, Iā€™ve made sure HA has permissions to access the camera and microphone, rebooted the tablet and HA several times but I canā€™t get it to work.
Any ideas?

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              haptic: success
              action: fire-dom-event
                service: browser_mod.navigate
                  path: /a0d7b954_adguard/dashboard
                    - xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I use the above code on a button click, which navigates to AdGuard dashboard. How to I hide the top tittle bar with Hamburger menu ?

Kindly guide

I canā€™t get the camera to work on my Android phone and on my iPad either.


I tried style: width: 70% doesnā€™t work. Can you please tell me how I can how can I make the popup bigger?

  - service: browser_mod.popup
      title: Front Door Motion Detected
        - dc9e965b3c6b48e208e5eb637e496496a3
        - 203c6b48e208e558f5438bb637e496af8b5
      hide_header: false
        width: 70%
        type: custom:stack-in-card
        title: null
        mode: vertical
          - type: custom:webrtc-camera
            url: rtsp://nvrStreaming/Channels/2
          - type: custom:webrtc-camera
            url: rtsp://nvr/Streaming/Channels/5
          width: 70%

Hello guys,

I am an absolute fan of the browser mod integration.
However, I have a problem where I just do not get on.

Basically everything works fine, but the corresponding browser mod entities (devices) are not selectable via a service call in the gui.
If I create a script with a browser mod service-call and enter the browser-id manually, this works fine.

Very, very strange - it seems something got corrupted.

What I have done to solve the issue:

  • reinstalled browser mod
  • rebooted ha
  • double checked if all entities are gone, after removing the integration
  • manually installed browser mod
  • deleted all orphaned browser-mod entities in /.storage/core.device_registry

ha and browser_mod are up to date.

Any clue ?

Is it possible to make browser_modā€™s more_info to show (switch) entityā€™s history and logbook page? Or is there some other function/way to do it?

I also have the same problem, for me the problems started with the last update of HA to version 2023.3 before that it worked fine

Put me on the list. Same Issue since 2023.3.

If u have the device in another script/automation like me, this workaround works for me:

Just go into the YAML mode and copy the target/device lines:

  device_id: YOUR_DEVICE_ID

Paste it in your new script/automation. Done.
Then u can continue with the UI mode.

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Hello, iā€™m new here. I wanna try this browser_mod but apparently, the popup isnā€™t working.
Hereā€™s my code.

And, another problem is, during this browser mod installation, thereā€™s no ā€œregisterā€ toggle at all, iā€™ve been trying to insert browser mod in developer tools service section, but somehow thereā€™s nothing related with Browser Mod.

Someone please help me. Thanks.

Is it possible to change the ā€œbinnentemperatuurā€ and ā€œfdssdfsā€ to the font on top (thermostaat) ? Can I do this with browser_mod ?