BRUH DIY Multisensor

Ah damn :frowning: I did order 3 of them and all 3 do the same thing.
Well ill order 6 new and check

thanks all

Thanks for the advice,

I installed the other libraries and made sure I was using the correct board, no change. Still getting the same errors.

I’ve started over completely several time including re-downloading the Audrino IDE and always end up with the same errors. I have no idea what I’m doing but the errors lead me to believe there are files missing in the libraries. Most of the errors seem to be coming from the ESP8266 package.

c:\users\htpc\desktop\ardrino\arduino-1.8.3-windows\arduino-1.8.3\portable\packages\esp8266\tools\xtensa-lx106-elf-gcc\1.20.0-26-gb404fb9-2\xtensa-lx106-elf\include\c++\4.8.2\xtensa-lx106-elf\bits\c++config.h:429:30: fatal error: bits/cpu_defines.h: No such file or directory

Not all micro usb cables are the same. I had to hunt around for one that worked properly. If you plug the NodeMCU board into the computer and a new COM port doesn’t appear – you have a problem. Likely the micro USB cable doesn’t have all the pins wired. Find one that does.


The Com port does appear and I can get the board info.

According to the video he compiles the code before he plugs the board in. I’ve tried it either way, plugged in and not plugged in and I can’t get past the errors. I’ve tried uploading the code despite the errors but it won’t allow me to as there are error.

I managed to solve my issue by copying the contents of:



I`m not that good at craftmanship but i got the sensor installed in a small chest i bought in a local decoration store. It took me 2 hours of work (soldering, cutting, etc), but it was fun :slight_smile:


Your picture proves you are a liar! LOL

That’s an awesome approach to doing this!! What a novel idea to make it fit into your environment…kudos!


I am having the same problem you were. please elucidate on this a tad if possible, thank you.


I’m not sure I totally understand the solution myself. From what I was able to gather is the path to the needed folder can’t exceed a certain amount of characters.

I found this solution via google and gave it a try, follow the post by Robert Clamenzi

I moved the “bits” folder up one level form inside the xtensa-lx106-elf to inside the 4.8.2 foler.


I hope that makes any kind of sense, and the same solution applies your issue.

Wow interesting. I had a successful upload to the Node MCU and everything was working. Now I can’t upload a second time- same cable etc. The solution has to be simple. However, I am using Mac, and this solution seems particular to windows.

Question: is is common practice to refresh the firmware on these boards before use, or are they good off the shelf? I bought a replacement today to rule out a hardware problem with the board. I got the blink sketch to run. I then tried to upload the Bruh code and it seemed to complete successfully. now I’m seeing wdt reset in the serial monitor… and the new board will not accept any uploaded sketches now, just like the old board.

I’m not sure I totally understand the solution myself. From what I was able to gather is the path to the needed folder can’t exceed a certain amount of characters.

It’s a Windows API limitation. NTFS supports file paths of over 32 thousand chars.

Here’s some reading material: Naming Files, Paths, and Namespaces - Win32 apps | Microsoft Learn

You can now use longer paths in Windows 10, works fine for x64 apps, and Windows Store applications (Modern), but x86 applications require an implicit indication in app manifest to support the longer paths.

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Any one else out there having Mac specific issues with this? It worked for me once but when I went back to re upload for a different IP address, it failed. I have tried everything. Replaced the board, replaced the cable, reflashed with latest firmware, installed, edited my platform.txt file, pulled various pins low and high as per various tutorials. At first I wasn’t able to get the code uploaded but after it uploads fine, but I get a ‘wdt reset’ every time, something along these lines:

ets Jan 8 2013,rst cause:4, boot mode:(3,7)
wdt reset
load 0x40100000, len 30000, room 16
tail 0
chksum 0x67
load 0x3ffe8000, len 2556, room 8
tail 4
chksum 0xb7
load 0x3ffe8a00, len 3080, room 4
tail 4
chksum 0x59
csum 0x59

I am using a powered hub for the board- do I really need an additional power supply too? i.e. could this reset loop be caused by low voltage during flash? The thing that really puzzles me is- why did it work once, the first or second time out of the proB 100’s of times I’ve tried to get it to work? A bit maddening, this one.

@revz Mac setup was VERY annoying for me. I’m using the Arduino IDE and I eventually had to install some drivers. Let me see if I can find them.

Quick question, why are you connecting it to your machine to make a change?

Instead of OTA? Yea haha idk I hadn’t configured it yet. Looking forward to using it tho! I did try a number of drivers- the one listed on the back of the board as well as some others. Any details about your workflow with this would be appreciated, thanks!

Hmmmm. I mean, I setup my unit via copy paste of his script off Github:

I feel like unless you removed lines 60-63, you might be able to OTA? Maybe?

I’m using a Mac for the Sonoff projects with drivers and Arduiono IDE. But for the BRUH DIY sensors I’m using a Linux (ubuntu 16.04) laptop out-of-the-box with Arduino IDE (as root). No problem what so ever!

My PIR sensor have 2 values standby and motion detected. WHile other pir sensor I have do have a simple ON and OFF.

In an automation which is the command, still ON - OFF (which is not working) or?

p.s. my entity_id is sensor.sn1_pir, while xiaomi pir sensor are binary_sensor.motion_sensor_xxx

I’ve had these running for awhile I’m not sure this thing is a complete product yet. Does anyone have one that is working perfectly? I built two of them and both act funny. It seems to me the code in the NodeMCU needs improvement to make these feasible.

I have a different sensor brand with the DHT22 and the developer had issues with the DHT22 which he had to code around. I think the bruh sensor could use something similar.

LUX also has issues, but not sure what to do about that.


My LUX has similar issues as yours (I do not have DHT22). Someone stated might be the power supply which is not stable, but I ma not sure about that.

I think best solution is a xiaomi pir sensor+ xiaomi temperature sensor. Way more reliable, and overall same price (less if you count all the time you need to fix the nomemcu)

Yea. I’ve been using PrivateEyePi with good success. It has tiny webserver in it where you can just pull the data straight from the sensor.