BRUH DIY Multisensor

Here you can find a lot of exemples for some automations, and the full configurations of a few people also.

Basically, you should have something like

- alias: 'Turn lights on when the sun gets dim'
  initial_state: True
    - platform: template
      value_template: {{ states.sensor_lux.state | float <= 20}}
    - condition: state
      state: 'home'
    - condition: state
      entity_id: light.yourlight
      state: 'off'
    service: scene.turn_on
    entity_id: scene.Regular

or instead of scene turn_on, just light.turn_on and the light as entity_id

3d case was ready to pick up today! I have taken with me only a sensor with a bigger NodeMCU board which didnt fit the case but I wanted to take a picture.

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Besides changing the node board to a smaller one mine TEMT600 doesnt fit nicely and will need heavy tinkering, I have taken out the LED because I didnt see the point of it, and I might need to change the jumper cables from 20 cm to 10 cm to fit inside the case.

When the MQ-2 air sensors arrive I might take the TEMP600 out and substitute with it

@lambtho thanks

Which is the most reliable light sensor?

depends on what you call reliable.

with diy sensors none of them are calibrated. you get a value for a certain light level.
and another sensor probably will read another value.

with light sensors i would say, that if they work then they work like they should.

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I would guess in this context reliable = consistent.

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i think so to, and in that case they are all on the same level because of the simplicity from a lightsensor.

I found the temp600 to be unreliable in my case, where I had one of them next to the window, as soon as lights turned on it would jump and jitter quickly in it’s values, but without window lights turned on it behaved correctly. The previous photoresistor did not do this. So I ordered 3-4 additional varieties of lights sensors to try them out soon to see which one works the best.

so the previous was better? Which one?

i use basic photoresistors instead of the boards which contain a photoresistor.
you can get 10 to 20 of those for 1 euro.

i havent had one that was buggy, but even if so then i could easily replace it :wink:

Would anyone want the STLs of my Wemos enclosure? AM312 PIR, TEMT6000, DHT22

@anon35356645 just basic photoresistors (without board like rene said)
@ReneTode yes I know…I bought a pack of 50 of those a long time ago, but I guess I like trying new things anyway…

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If you blow on the dht22 how quickly does the humidity value change?

I haven’t linked mine to HA yet just playing around in the Arduino serial monitor and my dht22 doesn’t seem to work properly because when I blow on it, no change in humidity is recorded instantly. Am I missing something?

What type of dht22 are you using?

I have successfully setup 1 sensor and it works awesome.

My question is now I am going to flash same code to another sensor do I need to change MQTT topic, or any name for second sensor as the first sensor entity_id is sensor.sn1_pir?

Yes, change the topic and declare the new sensor in HA

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i think this is right? They only costing 40cents each 20

Thanks, I changed

#define light_state_topic "bruh/sensornode2"
#define light_set_topic "bruh/sensornode2/set"

and entity_id would be sensor.sn2_pir for second sensor?

you have also to change the name of the sensor in arduino to be sensornode2. Then in HA, declare your sensor as you did for the first one, but with the new mqtt topics. If I remember correctly bruh explains it in his video, no ? Or in the sonoff video (the principle is similar)

are you talking about point #2 in red color in above image?

here is code as well:

  .______   .______    __    __   __    __          ___      __    __  .___________.  ______   .___  ___.      ___   .___________. __    ______   .__   __.
  |   _  \  |   _  \  |  |  |  | |  |  |  |        /   \    |  |  |  | |           | /  __  \  |   \/   |     /   \  |           ||  |  /  __  \  |  \ |  |
  |  |_)  | |  |_)  | |  |  |  | |  |__|  |       /  ^  \   |  |  |  | `---|  |----`|  |  |  | |  \  /  |    /  ^  \ `---|  |----`|  | |  |  |  | |   \|  |
  |   _  <  |      /  |  |  |  | |   __   |      /  /_\  \  |  |  |  |     |  |     |  |  |  | |  |\/|  |   /  /_\  \    |  |     |  | |  |  |  | |  . `  |
  |  |_)  | |  |\  \-.|  `--'  | |  |  |  |     /  _____  \ |  `--'  |     |  |     |  `--'  | |  |  |  |  /  _____  \   |  |     |  | |  `--'  | |  |\   |
  |______/  | _| `.__| \______/  |__|  |__|    /__/     \__\ \______/      |__|      \______/  |__|  |__| /__/     \__\  |__|     |__|  \______/  |__| \__|

  Thanks much to @corbanmailloux for providing a great framework for implementing flash/fade with HomeAssistant

  To use this code you will need the following dependancies: 
  - Support for the ESP8266 boards. 
        - You can add it to the board manager by going to File -> Preference and pasting into the Additional Board Managers URL field.
        - Next, download the ESP8266 dependancies by going to Tools -> Board -> Board Manager and searching for ESP8266 and installing it.
  - You will also need to download the follow libraries by going to Sketch -> Include Libraries -> Manage Libraries
      - DHT sensor library 
      - Adafruit unified sensor
      - PubSubClient
      - ArduinoJSON
  UPDATE 16 MAY 2017 by Knutella - Fixed MQTT disconnects when wifi drops by moving around Reconnect and adding a software reset of MCU
  UPDATE 23 MAY 2017 - The MQTT_MAX_PACKET_SIZE parameter may not be setting appropriately do to a bug in the PubSub library. If the MQTT messages are not being transmitted as expected please you may need to change the MQTT_MAX_PACKET_SIZE parameter in "PubSubClient.h" directly.


#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <DHT.h>
#include <PubSubClient.h>
#include <ESP8266mDNS.h>
#include <WiFiUdp.h>
#include <ArduinoOTA.h>
#include <ArduinoJson.h>

/************ WIFI and MQTT INFORMATION (CHANGE THESE FOR YOUR SETUP) ******************/
#define wifi_ssid "wifi" //type your WIFI information inside the quotes
#define wifi_password "password"
#define mqtt_server ""
#define mqtt_user "xx" 
#define mqtt_password "password"
#define mqtt_port 1883

/************* MQTT TOPICS (change these topics as you wish)  **************************/
#define light_state_topic "bruh/sensornode2"
#define light_set_topic "bruh/sensornode2/set"

const char* on_cmd = "ON";
const char* off_cmd = "OFF";

/**************************** FOR OTA **************************************************/
#define SENSORNAME "sensornode2"
#define OTApassword "password" // change this to whatever password you want to use when you upload OTA
int OTAport = 8266;

/**************************** PIN DEFINITIONS ********************************************/
const int redPin = D1;
const int greenPin = D2;
const int bluePin = D3;
#define PIRPIN    D5
#define DHTPIN    D7
#define DHTTYPE   DHT22
#define LDRPIN    A0

/**************************** SENSOR DEFINITIONS *******************************************/
float ldrValue;
int LDR;
float calcLDR;
float diffLDR = 25;

float diffTEMP = 0.2;
float tempValue;

float diffHUM = 1;
float humValue;

int pirValue;
int pirStatus;
String motionStatus;

char message_buff[100];

int calibrationTime = 0;

const int BUFFER_SIZE = 300;


/******************************** GLOBALS for fade/flash *******************************/
byte red = 255;
byte green = 255;
byte blue = 255;
byte brightness = 255;

byte realRed = 0;
byte realGreen = 0;
byte realBlue = 0;

bool stateOn = false;

bool startFade = false;
unsigned long lastLoop = 0;
int transitionTime = 0;
bool inFade = false;
int loopCount = 0;
int stepR, stepG, stepB;
int redVal, grnVal, bluVal;

bool flash = false;
bool startFlash = false;
int flashLength = 0;
unsigned long flashStartTime = 0;
byte flashRed = red;
byte flashGreen = green;
byte flashBlue = blue;
byte flashBrightness = brightness;

WiFiClient espClient;
PubSubClient client(espClient);

/********************************** START SETUP*****************************************/
void setup() {


  pinMode(PIRPIN, INPUT);
  pinMode(DHTPIN, INPUT);
  pinMode(LDRPIN, INPUT);




  ArduinoOTA.setPassword((const char *)OTApassword);

  Serial.print("calibrating sensor ");
  for (int i = 0; i < calibrationTime; i++) {

  Serial.println("Starting Node named " + String(SENSORNAME));


  client.setServer(mqtt_server, mqtt_port);

  ArduinoOTA.onStart([]() {
  ArduinoOTA.onEnd([]() {
  ArduinoOTA.onProgress([](unsigned int progress, unsigned int total) {
    Serial.printf("Progress: %u%%\r", (progress / (total / 100)));
  ArduinoOTA.onError([](ota_error_t error) {
    Serial.printf("Error[%u]: ", error);
    if (error == OTA_AUTH_ERROR) Serial.println("Auth Failed");
    else if (error == OTA_BEGIN_ERROR) Serial.println("Begin Failed");
    else if (error == OTA_CONNECT_ERROR) Serial.println("Connect Failed");
    else if (error == OTA_RECEIVE_ERROR) Serial.println("Receive Failed");
    else if (error == OTA_END_ERROR) Serial.println("End Failed");
  Serial.print("IPess: ");

/********************************** START SETUP WIFI*****************************************/
void setup_wifi() {

  Serial.print("Connecting to ");

  WiFi.begin(wifi_ssid, wifi_password);

  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {

  Serial.println("WiFi connected");
  Serial.println("IP address: ");

/********************************** START CALLBACK*****************************************/
void callback(char* topic, byte* payload, unsigned int length) {
  Serial.print("Message arrived [");
  Serial.print("] ");

  char message[length + 1];
  for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
    message[i] = (char)payload[i];
  message[length] = '\0';

  if (!processJson(message)) {

  if (stateOn) {
    // Update lights
    realRed = map(red, 0, 255, 0, brightness);
    realGreen = map(green, 0, 255, 0, brightness);
    realBlue = map(blue, 0, 255, 0, brightness);
  else {
    realRed = 0;
    realGreen = 0;
    realBlue = 0;

  startFade = true;
  inFade = false; // Kill the current fade


/********************************** START PROCESS JSON*****************************************/
bool processJson(char* message) {
  StaticJsonBuffer<BUFFER_SIZE> jsonBuffer;

  JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.parseObject(message);

  if (!root.success()) {
    Serial.println("parseObject() failed");
    return false;

  if (root.containsKey("state")) {
    if (strcmp(root["state"], on_cmd) == 0) {
      stateOn = true;
    else if (strcmp(root["state"], off_cmd) == 0) {
      stateOn = false;

  // If "flash" is included, treat RGB and brightness differently
  if (root.containsKey("flash")) {
    flashLength = (int)root["flash"] * 1000;

    if (root.containsKey("brightness")) {
      flashBrightness = root["brightness"];
    else {
      flashBrightness = brightness;

    if (root.containsKey("color")) {
      flashRed = root["color"]["r"];
      flashGreen = root["color"]["g"];
      flashBlue = root["color"]["b"];
    else {
      flashRed = red;
      flashGreen = green;
      flashBlue = blue;

    flashRed = map(flashRed, 0, 255, 0, flashBrightness);
    flashGreen = map(flashGreen, 0, 255, 0, flashBrightness);
    flashBlue = map(flashBlue, 0, 255, 0, flashBrightness);

    flash = true;
    startFlash = true;
  else { // Not flashing
    flash = false;

    if (root.containsKey("color")) {
      red = root["color"]["r"];
      green = root["color"]["g"];
      blue = root["color"]["b"];

    if (root.containsKey("brightness")) {
      brightness = root["brightness"];

    if (root.containsKey("transition")) {
      transitionTime = root["transition"];
    else {
      transitionTime = 0;

  return true;

/********************************** START SEND STATE*****************************************/
void sendState() {
  StaticJsonBuffer<BUFFER_SIZE> jsonBuffer;

  JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.createObject();

  root["state"] = (stateOn) ? on_cmd : off_cmd;
  JsonObject& color = root.createNestedObject("color");
  color["r"] = red;
  color["g"] = green;
  color["b"] = blue;

  root["brightness"] = brightness;
  root["humidity"] = (String)humValue;
  root["motion"] = (String)motionStatus;
  root["ldr"] = (String)LDR;
  root["temperature"] = (String)tempValue;

  char buffer[root.measureLength() + 1];
  root.printTo(buffer, sizeof(buffer));

  client.publish(light_state_topic, buffer, true);

/********************************** START SET COLOR *****************************************/
void setColor(int inR, int inG, int inB) {
  analogWrite(redPin, inR);
  analogWrite(greenPin, inG);
  analogWrite(bluePin, inB);

  Serial.println("Setting LEDs:");
  Serial.print("r: ");
  Serial.print(", g: ");
  Serial.print(", b: ");

/********************************** START RECONNECT*****************************************/
void reconnect() {
  // Loop until we're reconnected
  while (!client.connected()) {
    Serial.print("Attempting MQTT connection...");
    // Attempt to connect
    if (client.connect(SENSORNAME, mqtt_user, mqtt_password)) {
      setColor(0, 0, 0);
    } else {
      Serial.print("failed, rc=");
      Serial.println(" try again in 5 seconds");
      // Wait 5 seconds before retrying

/********************************** START CHECK SENSOR **********************************/
bool checkBoundSensor(float newValue, float prevValue, float maxDiff) {
  return newValue < prevValue - maxDiff || newValue > prevValue + maxDiff;

/********************************** START MAIN LOOP***************************************/
void loop() {

  if (!client.connected()) {
    // reconnect();

  if (!inFade) {

    float newTempValue = dht.readTemperature(true); //to use celsius remove the true text inside the parentheses  
    float newHumValue = dht.readHumidity();

    //PIR CODE
    pirValue = digitalRead(PIRPIN); //read state of the

    if (pirValue == LOW && pirStatus != 1) {
      motionStatus = "standby";
      pirStatus = 1;

    else if (pirValue == HIGH && pirStatus != 2) {
      motionStatus = "motion detected";
      pirStatus = 2;


    if (checkBoundSensor(newTempValue, tempValue, diffTEMP)) {
      tempValue = newTempValue;

    if (checkBoundSensor(newHumValue, humValue, diffHUM)) {
      humValue = newHumValue;

    int newLDR = analogRead(LDRPIN);

    if (checkBoundSensor(newLDR, LDR, diffLDR)) {
      LDR = newLDR;


  if (flash) {
    if (startFlash) {
      startFlash = false;
      flashStartTime = millis();

    if ((millis() - flashStartTime) <= flashLength) {
      if ((millis() - flashStartTime) % 1000 <= 500) {
        setColor(flashRed, flashGreen, flashBlue);
      else {
        setColor(0, 0, 0);
        // If you'd prefer the flashing to happen "on top of"
        // the current color, uncomment the next line.
        // setColor(realRed, realGreen, realBlue);
    else {
      flash = false;
      setColor(realRed, realGreen, realBlue);

  if (startFade) {
    // If we don't want to fade, skip it.
    if (transitionTime == 0) {
      setColor(realRed, realGreen, realBlue);

      redVal = realRed;
      grnVal = realGreen;
      bluVal = realBlue;

      startFade = false;
    else {
      loopCount = 0;
      stepR = calculateStep(redVal, realRed);
      stepG = calculateStep(grnVal, realGreen);
      stepB = calculateStep(bluVal, realBlue);

      inFade = true;

  if (inFade) {
    startFade = false;
    unsigned long now = millis();
    if (now - lastLoop > transitionTime) {
      if (loopCount <= 1020) {
        lastLoop = now;

        redVal = calculateVal(stepR, redVal, loopCount);
        grnVal = calculateVal(stepG, grnVal, loopCount);
        bluVal = calculateVal(stepB, bluVal, loopCount);

        setColor(redVal, grnVal, bluVal); // Write current values to LED pins

        Serial.print("Loop count: ");
      else {
        inFade = false;

/**************************** START TRANSITION FADER *****************************************/
// From

  The program works like this:
  Imagine a crossfade that moves the red LED from 0-10,
    the green from 0-5, and the blue from 10 to 7, in
    ten steps.
    We'd want to count the 10 steps and increase or
    decrease color values in evenly stepped increments.
    Imagine a + indicates raising a value by 1, and a -
    equals lowering it. Our 10 step fade would look like:

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  R + + + + + + + + + +
  G   +   +   +   +   +
  B     -     -     -

  The red rises from 0 to 10 in ten steps, the green from
  0-5 in 5 steps, and the blue falls from 10 to 7 in three steps.

  In the real program, the color percentages are converted to
  0-255 values, and there are 1020 steps (255*4).

  To figure out how big a step there should be between one up- or
  down-tick of one of the LED values, we call calculateStep(),
  which calculates the absolute gap between the start and end values,
  and then divides that gap by 1020 to determine the size of the step
  between adjustments in the value.
int calculateStep(int prevValue, int endValue) {
  int step = endValue - prevValue; // What's the overall gap?
  if (step) {                      // If its non-zero,
    step = 1020 / step;          //   divide by 1020

  return step;

/* The next function is calculateVal. When the loop value, i,
   reaches the step size appropriate for one of the
   colors, it increases or decreases the value of that color by 1.
   (R, G, and B are each calculated separately.)
int calculateVal(int step, int val, int i) {
  if ((step) && i % step == 0) { // If step is non-zero and its time to change a value,
    if (step > 0) {              //   increment the value if step is positive...
      val += 1;
    else if (step < 0) {         //   ...or decrement it if step is negative
      val -= 1;

  // Defensive driving: make sure val stays in the range 0-255
  if (val > 255) {
    val = 255;
  else if (val < 0) {
    val = 0;

  return val;

void software_Reset() // Restarts program from beginning but does not reset the peripherals and registers