Bruh - RGB LED Strips NodeMCU

Tks great blog, I´m almost doing everything as you did let me try to explain better is parts:
-power supply of 12v power going to 12v 5v converter and also power going directly to led strip with 12v;

  • power supply ground going to 12v 5v converter and also going directly to led strip;
  • from the converter power going to nodemcu vin input 5v
  • from the converter ground going to nodemcu gnd
  • data pin going from d5 to level shifter and level shifter going to data on led strip;

my leds are powered and in solid state but don´t answer to any commands on hassio, but nodemcu is receiving the commands.

tks for the help

unfortunetly just fried my nodemcu we´ll need few more days to get another one, I tested whithout level shifter and I think I conected wrongly the wire in data and fried. But I did some tests and I could change the effects but my led never turn off I think there´s something to do of what you write about the ground that needs to be directly the nodemcu, I´m not very good with electricity any clues?.

I saw your blog there you put the output of the converter again in the power supply this is to prevent from having 12 volts in the ground from the led strip?

tks again sorry for the silly quentions

In that case why not go for the Wemos (nowadays called Lolin) as I did?

Yes 3 ground wires go back to the same ground of the 12v.
1 ground wire (which for my ledstrip is a seperate ground wire!) I linked to the Wemos.
You can see this on the image. There is 1 separate plus and minus wire on my ledstrip and with that plus I do nothing, but with that minus I connect it to the wemos.

So what you previously wrote: “from the converter ground going to nodemcu gnd” I didn’t do that. I connected the output ground of the converter also to the 12v ground.

Regarding troubleshooting in a terminal session you can monitor what’s going on the mqtt hub with this command: mosquitto_sub -t “#” -u YOURMQTTUSERNAME -P YOURMQTTPASSWORD –v
That way you can see if the commands are correct. Note that mqtt is Capital sensitive and also / sensitive. So every / must be the same in your commands and stat messages.

Thanks very much and sorry for the newbie questions, in my led there´s only one wire coming out from live and neutral, that´s why my concern, I went with nodemcu because I have already bought three of them following bruh guidance videos, but it´s also an option in the future. With only one wire coming out of the led, If I divided after in two do you think is a problem to go directly to nodemcu?

tks for the support

quick question qhen we are talking about ground pin this means neutral cable or V- from the suply power right?

Correct. ground is minus / V-.

When you wrote “one wire coming out from live and neutral” that’s not possible. A wire is either live (usually red) or neutral (usually grey or white or black).
You don’t need to split the live wire of the ledstrip. only 1 live wire to the strip with 12V.

What brand strip do you have? Is there a picture on internet with how the connections look like? Or can you make a photo?

Sorry I must have made a mistake with my bad english, coming out of the strip there´s on cable (red) out of the live 12v and other coming out of the GND (black), I believe this is the neutral, and the DIN is there but there´s no wire coming out I needed to attach one myself, so diferently from yours mine has only one wire from each side. The strip came with a conector P4 female attached so I needed to cut it to access the wires and to conect the DIN wire in the strip.

When I wirte about spliting the wire I meant I needed to strip the neutral wire or attach a second one so one can go to the supply and other to the GND from the nodemcu right?

it´s in portuguese the site I´ve bought here: , but the pictures lied since there´s more cables coming out of the led and in reality it´s only two.

tks again

hey folks.

I use another great repo:

Can you make a photo? It’s difficult for me to understand now.
But if you say there is only 1 neutral wire then yes try to connect 2 wires to it. 1 going to the nodemcu and 1 to the 12v adapter.

If you have some money (and it’s not even very expensive) I’d say buy the wemos and the strip I also bought. Then you are sure it will work fine :slight_smile:

This night my I´ll make a photo and post here for better understanding, I´m really thankfull for all the help.

I´m looking for a strip outside Brasil since here there´s not many options and it´s too expensive, but then will take a t least 40 days to arrive. Which one have you bought? I´ll look also for the wemos, here it´s not expensive but since I have a couple of nodemcu I´m trying to all the alternatives before going to other microcontroler.

tks rgds

Hi everyone, does it make difference on sketch mine led strip being ws2811 IC, do I need to wirte this on the sketch? I’ve connectes gnd from the strip directly to gnd in nodemcu and the effects work perfectly, but still I cant turn off the lights.

Just to be clear I only wrote ws2811 and didnt wirte IC at the final.

So you can turn on from Home Assistant and can also change the color from Home Assistant, but you can not turn them off?

I can change collors and effects but when I turn off they stay on in solid state. very strange.

So when you toggle this button it doesn’t go out?


yes correct, the strip stay on, powered.

an example: I turn the power on my leds turn on, I turn any effect it works normally, I shut down the led it´s stops the effect but the light still turned on. I think it´s not a problem with my config.yaml neither with my mqtt, but I don´t know where is the problem.

The issue is in your sketch.

I used the bruh sketch only changed the numbers of led and the RGB lights, but I also tried other number of leds and BRG and didin´t affect this power thing.

The NUM_LEDS is only for working with the effects and such.
Would need to see your whole sketch to troubleshoot, do you have it on github?