BTicino Door Entry for CLASSE300X13E

Hi all, I’m able to send unlock commands and ena/dis autoanswer etc. See discussion on telegram. I can provide info, but have no time for integration (because I integrated it in other way, so no need from my side)


Do you need a custom firmware on the 300X ?

yes, every user must create own firmware (to include own ssh keys)

Hi, could you please point me to the telegram discussion?
Thank you

Telegram: Contact @bTicinoClasse300x :+1:


I integrated the BTCINO DoorEntry lock/unlock function that is linked to my driveway gate with HA, by adding an extra component and Shelby. Now I can even open it through my AppleWatch :slight_smile:

If interested I can provide the schema and parts.
I did not integrate any videophone/audio functionality though.


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Hi all,
I can’t find info on a feature important to me, maybe you could answer: can a user turn the sound off remotely (even using an official app)? I mean mute the bell for night time

Not that I’m aware of

that sounds interesting, please let us know

yes it is possible to switch ring on/off with modified fw. Means you need ssh root access to the device. Then you are allowed to send more commands. It is not ideal but works.
For example I’m able to do these things:

  • autoanswer on/off
  • autoanswer - message on/off
  • smartphone on/off
  • ring on/off
  • notification which ring button was pressed (based on id sent from the remote tablo device)
  • turn on/off locks

bad thing is, the device UI is not synchronized with the settings all time :frowning:


Hi Jedi7,

Can you share how you manage to send commands?
I’m interested in “open the door” … I’ve already root access to the device, but I cannot figure out how to talk via the openserver (I always get a NAK *#*0## message whatever I try to do)

Finally I post a new in order to know how to use with Home Assistant. I hope you enjoy.


Hi, I do not have yet a bticino videodoorbell, but I’m going to renovate my house and I’m looking for a solution than can be integrate into HA. I found a tesi magistrale ( from an Italian university describing the integration of the classe 300 with a custom android application using the OpenWebNet protocol over SCS bus. Their setup includes a SBS/ethernet gateway, but it seems that the internal unit with wi-fi connection acts as a gateway (still to be resolved the authentication accessing from outside the unit itself, I see. Maybe HMAC for OpenWebNet Gateway can help here). In the document they explain that the videostream can be accessed via an OpenWebNet request and can be either mjpeg or H.264.
Sending the command:


Starts the videocamera and sends the H.254 stream to the IP1.IP2.IP3.IP4:PORT server.
Sending the command:


Answers an already active incoming call from the external unit.

@fquinto or anyone else, do you mind check if this works as expected?
If you need help with translation from Italian, just ask me :slight_smile:.

Hi, sorry I don’t test this commands. But interesting things inside firmware on path: /usr/local/bin/ test file resume (not complete) data are:

function start_local_pipeline {
	gst-launch-0.10 udpsrc port=$pp caps="application/x-rtp, media=(string)video, clock-rate=(int)90000, encoding-name=H264" !  rtph264depay  ! ffdec_h264 ! fpsdisplaysink sync=false &

function start_remote_pipeline {
	addr=$(echo "$addr_raw" | sed -r 's/\.+/\#/g')
	local_addr=$(echo "$local_addr_raw" | sed -r 's/\.+/\#/g')
	open=$3 cmd *7*32\#$local_addr\#$pp*\#\# -e $addr_raw $open > /dev/null

function exit_pipes {
	killall gst-launch-0.10
	if [ $? -ne 0 ]
		echo "WARNING: couldn't kill gst-launch-0.10"
	fi cmd *7*0*\#\# -e $addr_raw $open > /dev/null

Parameters are:

start_local_pipeline $port
start_remote_pipeline $ipaddress $port $openpwd $localaddress
exit_pipes $ipaddress $openpwd

Hope this helps!

What you described is a video stream avaiable only from F454.

Okay, but how the stream is sent to the companion phone app (I think it could be a SIP client)?

Today I released a new tool, automatic firmware creator in order to saved inside your system.
You can see here:

Repo of this tool:

Hello! Do you have a integration for the Classe300X13E?

I want to use the doorbell button to run an application. For example, when button is pressed, then show me in homeassistant a other cam etc.

thanks! Best regards

I only have been reading up on this so the following could all be wrong, but it seems the code has support for MQTT now. You should be able to simply catch the button or door bell going off. I assume video is not supported yet.

The good thing is that the firmware is just an ext4 partition (where you inject ssh keys and some scripts, in fact mosquito_sub and other commands are in the official firmware already), so maybe likely it is just standard SIP video (can’t imagine they would be using something proprietary)? Should be easy to confirm when looking at the ext4 partition and/or use the included sniffer at the github link.

Hello, since today (update) the New api is available. Is it possible to integrate the classe300x13e in ha? Thanks!
Best regards,

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